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User talk:McDutchie

From translatewiki.net

Archivo de 2008

Le discussion de 2008 es archivate. Visita le archivo.


Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Please use informal tone for Dutch fundraising translations115:06, 15 December 2023
Fuzzy translations of KATRINE1992118:17, 27 November 2023
Geen giswerk209:53, 11 October 2021
luri lrc020:05, 30 August 2013
Thank you from Blockly!000:31, 30 May 2013
!!FUZZY!!320:09, 22 August 2012
Watchlist620:35, 20 August 2012
Fuzzy112:38, 9 July 2012
Thank you for your translation of Waymarked Trails to Interlingua!011:55, 28 June 2012
free service122:25, 23 February 2011
Thank you …119:16, 22 February 2011
Proofread322:21, 19 August 2010
Pijnlijk217:05, 21 July 2010

Please use informal tone for Dutch fundraising translations

Hi McDutchie, thanks for your edits to donation interface translations for Dutch. We are using informal tone across the board for our campaigns in Netherlands and Belgium, so it's my understanding that using uw would divert from our general tone. I have undone your changes for now, but if you see more necessary edits please make them in the informal tone. Thank you!

HNordeen (WMF) (talk)00:13, 15 December 2023

Thing is, the entire MediaWiki nl translation is in the formal tone. The rule is that informal equivalents go into nl-informal where they differ. I don't think it is a good idea to make exceptions to that rule as it quickly becomes hairy and difficult to track. I will start a discussion with the admins to consider whether maybe the current nl/nl-informal situation needs to be rethought altogether, as the formal tone is rapidly becoming obsolete in the Netherlands (though not in Flanders/Belgium, AFAIK). In the meantime I will honour your request, but it's possible other translators won't be aware of it and will change it to formal again.

McDutchie (discussion)15:06, 15 December 2023

Fuzzy translations of KATRINE1992

I just saw that you marked the translations of the user KATRINE1992 in OpenStreetMap's strings, as fuzzy. Some of them were already ok, some others were indeed not suitable. It was more like a Google Translate rather than context translated.
And I was wondering why you marked the translations of that user specifically, then I found in their profile that they stopped translating in 2018 and publicly (in their own talk page) requested a payment via Paypal for doing 1000 translations...(for which I found online in their CV that it's 0.002 USD per translation)
Anyway, thank you for this report of the translations.

Jimkats (talk)17:27, 27 November 2023

Thanks. I noticed that this person caused damage in a lot of projects with low-quality automated translations, and some of it had not been fixed years later, hence my decision to fuzzy all of their translations that hadn't been edited by someone else yet.

McDutchie (talk)18:17, 27 November 2023

Geen giswerk

OpenStreetMap is wel GIS-gerelateerd, maar vertalen -in het algemeen- is geen giswerk. Dat wil zeggen, de betekenis van een woord zoals die ik in de beschrijving van deze wijziging gelinkt heb, staat bij direct bewerken rechts van het tekstvak en bij bewerken met de bewerker bovenaan. Bij direct bewerken staan er soms ook vertalingssuggesties onder. Deze zijn niet leidend, maar kunnen je een idee geven van wat je zou kunnen gebruiken in je vertaling.

Danieldegroot2 (talk)12:08, 2 October 2021

Goh. Ik ben hier nu toch al een dikke dertien jaar lang redelijk intensief bezig met vertalen, en in 2012 maakten ze me hier bureaucrat "per merit". Maar de berichtendocumentatie en de vertalingssuggesties waren me echt nog nooit opgevallen! Vriendelijk bedankt voor de tip, hoor.

Ook altijd fijn om op neerbuigende toon terechtgewezen te worden op basis van documentatie die is toegevoegd na mijn vertaling. Het blijft toch hartverwarmend om te zien dat mensen oprecht en te goeder trouw handelen.

Maar het leukste is toch dat, volgens de documentatie waar jij zo welwillend op hamert, er een reden is waarom het Engelse origineel "Shingle" luidt en niet "Shingle beach". Die tag kan namelijk ook op een kiezelbedding van een rivier slaan. Het gaat dus niet per sé om een strand, dus dat moeten we er niet bij fantaseren.

McDutchie (talk)18:33, 2 October 2021

Bedankt voor je antwoord.

Danieldegroot2 (talk)09:53, 11 October 2021


how can I translate a message in lrc luri language? please help me

so thanks

Mogoeilor (talk)20:05, 30 August 2013

Thank you from Blockly!

Thanks so much for the Interlingua translation of the Blockly puzzle! If you'd like to view the translated version online, it's at [blockly-demo.appspot.com/static/apps/puzzle/ia.html].

Espertus (talk)00:31, 30 May 2013

I don't think this translation is wrong. In this message "their" refers to "other people", i.e., "Merge the accounts belonging to other people." Is that right?

Toliño Fala aquí comigo 18:55, 21 August 2012

Hi, I don't think that's right, sorry. It refers to the user's own account(s) in various MediaWiki projects. See w:Special:ListGroupRights for an example usage of that message. This page is a list of rights that users can have. As you can see, one of those rights is the right to merge their account in the various MediaWiki projects into one unified account. See meta:Help:Unified login for background information on this system.

In this message, "their" is a case of the "singular they", so it should be translated as "merge his/her account". In Interlingua I translated as "fusionar su conto" but perhaps "fusionar le proprie contos" would be better.

McDutchie (talk)20:04, 21 August 2012

Oh, now I understand! I thought it was referred to an administrative right about merging someone else's account. I have corrected it to "Fusionar a conta propia" rather than "Fusionar a súa conta" because I find it too ambiguous. Thanks for reporting.

By the way, I use Interlingua as one of my assistant languages due to its similarity with Galician.

Toliño Fala aquí comigo 09:56, 22 August 2012

You're welcome. I decided to follow you in that translation. Not that it matters much, as there are probably not many un-merged accounts left in the MediaWiki projects now...

It's nice to hear that you use Interlingua as an assistant language. It's similar to Galician and many other languages. The funny part is that those other languages are not as similar to Interlingua. :)

McDutchie (talk)20:09, 22 August 2012

Are you sure that you don't have Support in your watchlist? You edited it when it was still a normal page[1] and that could be enough to have it in your watchlist. try the watch/unwatch button at the top of it.

Nemo (talk)16:23, 20 August 2012

Yes, I did have Support in my watchlist and have done so for years, intentionally. Until two days ago that never caused any email flood. I only got notifications about the threads (not pages) I was watching, as the preference states. That is now broken.

McDutchie (talk)16:28, 20 August 2012

Having Support in your watchlist currently serves no purpose at all if you don't want to receive notifications for its threads, you should just unwatch it.

Nemo (talk)16:33, 20 August 2012

You don't seem to be distinguishing between email notifications and notifications on the site.

I do want to receive "new messages" notifications on the website for every thread on Support. I just don't want to receive emails about every one of them - I only want to receive emails for the threads I watch, as the preference "Notify me by email about threads I'm watching" plainly states.

That is how it always worked, but this broke two days ago. I keep trying to tell you this but you keep ignoring it. You now have several users complaining of unexpected email floods. Frankly I'm dismayed that you don't seem to be believing any of us.

McDutchie (talk)16:40, 20 August 2012

I never said that "I don't believe you", it's just that we're mixing up some things and we don't fully understand each other (for instance Verdy_p is talking about another issue).

It's correct that it's not possible to distinguish from Special:NewMessages and email notifications/watchlisting, but it's always been like this, as well as there is a two-years old bug (which I linked from the support thread) about threads inheriting the "watched" status from their talk. The preference "Notify me by email about threads I'm watching" has never done what you say that it "plainly states", which is why I'm not sure that you remember correctly. For instance, I'm absolutely sure that on mediawiki.org, which has the same (default) settings as this wiki used to have before the recent change, not having "E-mail me on replies to a thread I am watching" enabled means that I don't receive notifications for any thread I'm watching, either directly or through its parent talk page, as it is supposed to do (however confusing it may be).

Are you really sure that you received email notifications for replies to threads you were watching outside your talk page?

Nemo (talk)18:06, 20 August 2012

Yes, I am really sure.

I am even more sure that something changed two days ago, that caused me to suddenly receive a big flood of emails, without me having changed any setting whatsoever. This is a fact.

I turned off all my email preferences and still the emails continued. Only removing the pages from my watchlist stopped them.

So apparently it is now no longer possible to watch discussion pages on the site without being flooded by emails. I would like to have that functionality restored.

McDutchie (talk)19:49, 20 August 2012

Thank you for fuzzying that wrong translation! Greetings!

Toliño Fala aquí comigo 12:20, 9 July 2012

You're welcome. :)

McDutchie (talk)12:38, 9 July 2012

Thank you for your translation of Waymarked Trails to Interlingua!

Thank you very much for your translation of Waymarked Trails! Your translation have long since been deployed, and you can see it in action on hiking.lonvia.de. The only untranslated object that we know about is the update date formatting. It is relying on django, and if you'd like to have it localised as well you can take a look at the Spanish formats.py and submit a pull request to the django project. I can assist if you like.

Guttorm Flatabø (talk)11:55, 28 June 2012

free service

Hi. That “free service” is about ur1.ca, meaning that it is free as in freedom, not price. Does “gratuite” mean that?

AVRS20:38, 23 February 2011

Hi - no, "gratuite" means free of charge. Sorry, I failed to pay attention to the documentation. Now changed to "servicio libere".

McDutchie22:25, 23 February 2011

Thank you …

… for helping me on Narayam-help-page ("//www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Special:MyLanguage/Help:Extension:Narayam") and on several other occasions. :) Cheers

[[kgh]]16:39, 22 February 2011

You're welcome.

McDutchie19:16, 22 February 2011

Hoi. Wil jij alsjeblieft even kijken naar de drie vertalingen die bij deze overlegpagina's horen? Ik twijfel aan de huidige vertalingen, maar weet ook niets beter... Je moet er vermoed ik wat voor rond-Googlen. Alvast dank.

Siebrand17:53, 8 August 2010

Ik zal m'n best doen maar ik vind het ook moeilijk, omdat ik geen enkele affiniteit heb met de software in kwestie. De eerstkomende week heb ik ook weinig tijd. Daarna zal ik nog eens kijken.

McDutchie15:18, 9 August 2010

Dank je alvast.

Siebrand16:48, 9 August 2010

Na het lezen van http://open.intrahealth.org/mediawiki/Setting_An_Establishment denk ik voor 'establishment' een betere vertaling te hebben gevonden: 'aanstelling'. Maar zeker ben ik er niet van.

Het gebruik van bepaalde Engelse woorden in het origineel lijkt erg weinig te maken te hebben met de gangbare betekenissen van die woorden. Misschien moet ook het Engelse taalgebruik verbeterd worden. Je kunt te ver gaan met jargon.

Inmiddels ben ik ook bezig de rest van de vertaling na te kijken.

McDutchie22:21, 19 August 2010

Dank voor het herstellen. :)

Siebrand16:42, 21 July 2010

Graag gedaan, hoor. :)

NL is een van de in mijn voorkeuren ingestelde "hulptalen", dus ik kijk ze altijd min of meer automatisch na.

McDutchie17:00, 21 July 2010

Dat merk ik, en is soms erg prettig. Vooral blijven doen :)

Siebrand17:05, 21 July 2010