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Ɛfi Wikipedia
Wɔakyerɛw nsɛm yi wɔ Akuapem kasa mu

Me din de Yaa Darkoa. Mesan nso de Naa Darkoa.

Meyɛ Ghanani a mete Accra. Máwofo nso yɛ Ghanafo. Meyɛ Akuapemni. Yɛn abusua no fa bi yɛ Nkranfo na ɛhɔ na me din Naa Darkoa no nso fi.

Ɛwom sɛ mesuaa Twi akenkan ne akyerɛw wɔ mfitiase sukuu de nanso asɔre a me ne máwofo kɔe firi me mmofraberem na ɛboaa me ma mebehuu Twi akenkan ne akyerɛw yiye paa. N'a yɛn abusua no nyinaa wɔ Twi asafo mu na na yesua Bible ne nhoma ahorow a ɛfa yɛn som ho no wɔ Twi kasa mu. Mede meho bɔɔ Twi asafo no bɛyɛ mfe aduonu ne akyiri ni. Ɛno na aboa me ma matumi ahu Twi kasa no mu yiye.

Wɔ 2021 mu no mifii Twi asafo no mu kɔɔ French asafo mu - sɛnea ɛbɛyɛ a mehu French kasa nso yiye, na ɛhɔ na mewɔ de besi sesɛɛ. Nanso Twi kasa ne sɛnea yɛbɛma Twi kasa no akɔ nánim wɔ intanɛt so da so da me koma so paa. Máni gye atuhoama ho paa. Eyi nyinaa nti na mede me ho hyɛɛ Twi Wikipedia mu.

Wɔ adwuma fam no meyɛ Oduruyɛfo(Pharmacist). Ɛno ne adwuma titiriw a meyɛ de ka Wikipedia atuhoama adwuma no ho.

Máni san gye kɔmputa dwumadi ho ɛno nti mesua Linux Operating System ho ade na meka Linux Accra User Group kuw no nso ho sɛnea ɛbɛyɛ a metumi aboa afoforo ama wɔate kɔmputa nnwumadi ase.


My name is Yaa Darkoa. I'm also called Naa Darkoa.

I am a Ghanaian living in Accra. My parents are also Ghanaians. I am an Akuapem. My extended family is partly Ga accounting for the origin of my Ga name Naa Darkoa.

Although my knowledge reading and writing Twi began from my studies in primary school, my extensive knowledge about reading and writing in Twi grew from my church attendance with my parents from my infancy. My entire nuclear family attended a Twi congregation where Bible studies and studies of other religious material was done completely in Twi. I associated with the Twi congregation for more than 20years and that really helped me with my fluency in the Twi language.

In 2021, I left the Twi congregation to join a French congregation- to improve my fluency in the French language and have remained there since. However, my interests still lie in the Twi language and promoting its presence on the internet. I also enjoy volunteer work. All this influenced my decision to be a part of Twi wikipedia.

Professionally, I am a licensed Pharmacist. I volunteer on Wikipedia alongside my main profession in pharmacy practice.

I am also very enthusiastic about IT. As such I am also a part of Linux Accra User Group to learn more about the Linux Operating System and advocate open source technology.