Avatar of user Luca Baggio
Luca Baggio
Italy, 25 years old, passionate about photography. for info: lucabaggio42@gmail.com
long exposure photography of clouds and mountain
orange dome tent surrounded by silhouette of trees at blue hour
rocks under milky way
silhouette of trees during nighttime
person standing near the cliff of the mountain
large rock on shore grayscale photography
silhouette of brick cathedral with cross finial under blue sky
brown mountain near body of water under clear blue and white sky
long exposure photography of clouds and mountain
rocks under milky way
person standing near the cliff of the mountain
large rock on shore grayscale photography
brown mountain near body of water under clear blue and white sky
orange dome tent surrounded by silhouette of trees at blue hour
silhouette of trees during nighttime
silhouette of brick cathedral with cross finial under blue sky
long exposure photography of clouds and mountain
person standing near the cliff of the mountain
brown mountain near body of water under clear blue and white sky
orange dome tent surrounded by silhouette of trees at blue hour
large rock on shore grayscale photography
silhouette of brick cathedral with cross finial under blue sky
rocks under milky way
silhouette of trees during nighttime
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