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Public-images-osm logo.svg amenity = payment_terminal
2018-07-21 Payment terminal in Kyiv, Ukraine.jpg
Self-service payment kiosk/terminal Edit this description in the wiki page. Edit this description in the data item.
Group: financial facilities
Used on these elements
may be used on nodesshould not be used on waysshould not be used on areasshould not be used on relations (except multipolygon relations)
Useful combination
See also
Status: de facto

A payment terminal (also referred to as an interactive kiosk[1], eKiosk) – an ATM-sized interactive terminal where a user can, for example, top up a phone, pay other bills, transfer money or use any other self-service function offered by the terminal. It can be equipped with a touchscreen, banknote feeder and a receipt printer.


  • iD-editor: ID-amenity-payment-terminal.svg

See also

  • amenity=atm – A device that provides the clients of a financial institution with access to financial transactions
  • amenity=payment_centre – A non-bank place, where people can pay bills of public and private services and taxes (usually attended by a human teller).
  • amenity=vending_machine – A vending machine sells food, drinks, tickets or other goods automatically
