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DevCamp/Laptop setup/OSX git-review

From Wikimania 2013 • Hong Kong

Install the Python packaging system

In order to install gerrit-review, you must set up distribute, the Python software packaging system.

To do that, open a Terminal and run these commands:

   sudo -l
   curl http://python-distribute.org/distribute_setup.py | sudo python

You will see a lot of happy messages print out, and finally you will see a prompt again (which looks like $ sign).

Download git-review

To download git-review, run these commands:

easy_install pip
pip install git-review

PROBLEMS? Could not get the above to work, get a 404 error at that URL. Instead, see this documentation at the MediaWiki.org site. [1] -- Fuzheado (talk) 06:24, 30 July 2013 (UTC)[reply]

I modified the instructions, so they should work now. Legoktm (talk) 02:41, 7 August 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Make sure git-review runs

After all this work, you will want to make sure the program is properly installed. Type this into the prompt:


You should see a happy error message, three lines long:

No .gitreview file found in this repository.
We don't know where your gerrit is. Please manually create
a remote named gerrit and try again.

Hooray! It is properly installed.


If you install git-review, and bash seems unable to find it the following command might work (soft-linking it to /usr/local/bin):

sudo ln -s /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/bin/git-review /usr/local/bin

If it does not work find someone to help.

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