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Submissions/Wiki-in-Residence Birds

From Wikimania


This is a Completed submission for Wikimania 2017 ready to be reviewed by a member of the Programme Committee.

Notes: https://wikimania2017.wikimedia.org/wiki/Submissions/Wiki-in-Residence_Birds/notes
Presentation given at the Wikipedian-in-Residence Birds of a Feather session during Wikimania Montréal 2017.
Submission no. 9003 Subject - MG
Title of the submission
Wikipedian-in-Residence Birds of a feather
Type of submission (lecture, panel, tutorial/workshop, roundtable discussion, lightning talk, poster, birds of a feather discussion)
Birds of a feather discussion
Author of the submission
David Alves, Horadrim~usurped (personal) and Horadrim (for WIR activities).
type of submission
Birds of a feather discussion
Language of presentation
E-mail address
Horadrim~usurped (personal) and Horadrim (for WIR activities).
Country of origin
Affiliation, if any (organisation, company etc.)
User Group Wikimedia in Brazil (UG BR)
Personal homepage or blog
Abstract (up to 300 words to describe your proposal)
An infographic depicting information about most of the Wikipedian in Residence projects taking place between 2010 and 2011. Data was compiled July 15, 2011.

English: This BoF aims to gather Wikimedians-in-residence (WIRs) to trade experiences, share stories, discuss advantages and problems, and help each other on their current and future goals. The Wiki(p/m)edian-in-Residence model started in 2010, with the British Museum GLAM project. Since then, there has been more than 120 WIRs, with almost third of them still being active. Collectively, WIRs are responsible for thousands of new images in Commons, and as many articles created and updated in Wikipedia, not to mention events, outreach and other direct or indirect improvements to several (if not all) Wikimedia projects (see image on the right, from July 2011, with data from only six WIRs). As a Wikimedian-in-residence, I firmly believe that Wikimania would be a great opportunity to gather current and alumni WIRs to engage and build on the model together.

Français: Cette BoF vise à rassembler les Wikimédien-ne-s-en-résidence (WIRs) pour échanger des expériences, partager des histoires, discuter des avantages et des problèmes, et s'aider les uns les autres sur leurs objectifs actuels et futurs. Le modèle des Wiki(p/m)édien-ne-s-en-résidence a démarré en 2010 avec le projet GLAM des British Museum. Depuis, il y a eu plus de 120 WIRs, dont près d'un tiers est encore actif. Collectivement, les WIRs sont responsables de milliers de nouvelles images dans Commons, ainsi que de nombreux articles créés et mis à jour dans Wikipedia, sans oublier les événements, la sensibilisation et d'autres améliorations directes ou indirectes à plusieurs (sinon tous) projets de Wikimedia (voir image à droite, à partir de juillet 2011, avec les données de seulement six WIR). En tant que Wikimedian-en-résidence, je crois fermement que Wikimania serait une excellente occasion de rassembler les WIRs actuels et anciens pour s'engager et construire sur le modèle ensemble.

Português: Este BoF visa reunir os Wikimedistas-em-residências (WIRs) para trocar experiências, compartilhar histórias, discutir vantagens e problemas, e apoiar uns aos outros em objetivos atuais e futuros. O modelo de Wiki(p/m)edista-em-residência começou em 2010, com o projeto GLAM do British Museum. Desde então, já existiriam mais de 120 WIRs, com quase um terço deles ainda estando ativos. Coletivamente, WIRs são responsáveis por milhares de novas imagens no Commons, e a mesma quantidade de artigos criados e melhorados na Wikipédia, sem mencionar eventos, outreach, e outras melhorias diretas e indiretas para diversos (se não todos) os projetos Wikimedia (veja a imagem à direita, de Julho de 2011, com dados de apenas seis WIRs). Como um Wikimedista-em-residência, eu firmemente acredito que a Wikimania seria uma grande oportunidade de reunir WIRs atuais e passados para se engajarem e construírem no modelo juntos.

Español: Este BoF tiene como objetivo reunir los Wikimedians-en-residencia (WIRs) para intercambiar experiencias, compartir historias, discutir ventajas y problemas, y ayudarse mutuamente en sus metas actuales y futuras. El modelo de Wiki(p/m)edian-en-residencia comenzó en 2010, con el proyecto GLAM del British Museum. Desde entonces, ha habido más de 120 WIRs, con casi el tercero de ellos todavía activo. Colectivamente, los WIRs son responsables por miles de nuevas imágenes en Commons, así como muchos artículos creados y actualizados en Wikipedia, sin mencionar eventos, divulgación y otras mejoras directas o indirectas de varios (si no todos) proyectos Wikimedia (ver imagen a la derecha, de julio de 2011, con datos de sólo seis WIRs). Como un Wikimedista-en-residencia, creo firmemente que la Wikimania sería una gran oportunidad para reunir a los actuales y los alumnos WIRs para participar y construir sobre el modelo juntos.

Deutsch: Diese Diskussion unter Gleichgesinnten hat zum Ziel, Wikipedians in Residence (WiR) zu versammeln, damit sie Erfahrungen und Geschichten austauschen, Vorteile und Probleme diskutieren, und sich gegenseitig mit ihren Aufgaben und Zielstellungen helfen koennen. Das WiR-Programm wurde im Jahr 2010 am Britischen Museum begonnen. Seitdem hat es 120 Wikipedianer in Residence gegeben, von denen beinahe ein Drittel noch aktiv ist. Zusammengenommen haben die WiRs tausende neuer Bilder auf Commons hochgeladen und etwa ebenso viele neue Lemmata erstellt. Dazu kommen Veranstaltungen, Lehrgaenge und andere direkte und indirekte Verbesserungen vieler, wenn nicht aller, Wikimedia-Projekte (siehe z.B. die Infografik, die Daten von nur 6 WiR-Projekten enthaelt). Ich bin selbst ein WIkipedian-in-Residence und glaube fest daran, dass Wikimania eine ausgezeichnete Gelegenheit bietet, derzeitige und vormalige WiR-Teilnehmer zusammenzubringen und das Modell insgesamt voranzubringen.

Hello, visitors! If you can, please, help translating this to other languages and correcting mistakes in my translations as well. Thank you! :)
What will attendees take away from this session?

English: I expect that attendees will learn about the strenghts and weaknesses of their WIRs projects, that they will understand new ways of solving problems they might face, and that they discover new strategies to engage internal and external communities. Not only that, I hope that this will help foster a community among WIRs, that may assist each other in current and future endeavors.

Français: Je m'attends à ce que les participants se renseignent sur les points forts et les faiblesses de leurs projets WIR, qu'ils comprennent nouvelles façons de résoudre les problèmes qu'ils pourraient rencontrer et qu'ils découvrent nouvelles stratégies pour engager les communautés internes et externes. Non seulement cela, j'espère que cela aidera à favoriser une communauté parmi les WIR, qui peuvent s'entraider dans les efforts actuels et futurs.

Português: Eu espero que os participantes possam aprender sobre as forças e fraquezas dos seus projetos de WIRs, que eles entendam novas maneiras de resolver os problemas que eles possam vir a enfrentar, e que eles descubram novas estratégias para se relacionar com as comunidades interna e externa. Não só isso, eu tenho esperança de que isso possa nutrir uma comunidade entre os WIRs, que poderão ajudar uns aos outros em empreendimentos atuais e futuros.

Español: Espero que los asistentes se enteren de las fortalezas y debilidades de sus proyectos de WIR, que entiendan nuevas maneras de resolver los problemas que puedan enfrentar y que descubran nuevas estrategias para se relacionar con las comunidades internas y externas. No sólo eso, espero que esto ayude a fomentar una comunidad entre los WIR, que pueden ayudarse mutuamente en los esfuerzos actuales y futuros.

Deutsch: Teilnehmer an dieser Diskussion werden die Staerken und Schwaechen des Wikipedian-in-Residence-Programms kennen lernen. Ausserdem werden sie in Methoden eingefuehrt, einschlaegige Probleme zu loesen, und sie werden neue Strategien zu erlernen, sowohl interne als auch externe Interessengruppen mit der WiR-Idee zu konfrontieren. Darueber hinaus hoffe ich, dass ein Gefuehl der Gruppenzugehoerigkeit entsteht, so dass sich Wikipedians-in-Residence jetzt und in Zukunft gegenseitig bei ihren Aufgaben helfen.

Hello, visitors! If you can, please, help translating this to other languages and correcting mistakes in my translations as well. Thank you! :)
Theme of presentation
  • WikiCulture & Community
For workshops and discussions, what level is the intended audience?

Begginer, Intermediate and advanced, depending on the experience level from each WIR.

Length of session (if other than 25 minutes, specify how long)
50 minutes, as per expected for a BoF session
Will you attend Wikimania if your submission is not accepted?
Yes, depending on the scholarship.
Slides or further information (optional)
Special requests
I'm also proposing a lecture in Submissions/Potentialities of a Wiki-dissemination - NeuroMat Case.
Submission is a final submission

This is a Completed submission for Wikimania 2017 ready to be reviewed by a member of the Programme Committee.

Interested attendees

If you are interested in attending this session, please sign with your username below. This will help reviewers to decide which sessions are of high interest. Sign with a hash and four tildes. (# ~~~~).

  1. Joalpe (talk) 12:17, 11 February 2017 (UTC)[reply]
  2. Mariliawikipedia (talk) 12:09, 13 February 2017 (UTC)[reply]
  3. Plani (talk) 14:25, 1 March 2017 (UTC)[reply]
  4. Merrilee (talk) 21:46, 14 March 2017 (UTC)[reply]
  5. Shameran81 (talk) 21:48, 14 March 2017 (UTC)[reply]
  6. Daniel Mietchen (talk) 02:28, 10 April 2017 (UTC)[reply]
  7. Astinson (WMF) (talk) 15:15, 10 April 2017 (UTC)[reply]
  8. Missvain (talk) 00:36, 13 April 2017 (UTC)[reply]
  9. Mary Mark Ockerbloom (talk) 00:47, 13 April 2017 (UTC)[reply]
  10. Kerry Raymond (talk) 00:47, 13 April 2017 (UTC)[reply]
  11. Blue Rasberry (talk) 01:34, 13 April 2017 (UTC)[reply]
  12. Jason.nlw (talk) 05:39, 13 April 2017 (UTC)[reply]
  13. Sannita (talk) 07:28, 13 April 2017 (UTC)[reply]
  14. Trizek (talk) 08:07, 13 April 2017 (UTC)[reply]
  15. John Cummings (talk) 08:15, 13 April 2017 (UTC)[reply]
  16. Victuallers (talk) 08:33, 13 April 2017 (UTC)[reply]
  17. Stinglehammer (talk) 08:59, 13 April 2017 (UTC)[reply]
  18. KellyDoyle (talk) 12:42, 13 April 2017 (UTC)[reply]
  19. Marcus Cyron (talk) 14:50, 13 April 2017 (UTC)[reply]
  20. Rodelar (talk) 18:41, 17 April 2017 (UTC)[reply]
  21. Remotely maybe? :) Federico Leva (BEIC) (talk) 15:07, 24 April 2017 (UTC)[reply]
  22. Trizek (talk) will try to say hi! 14:21, 2 August 2017 (UTC)[reply]
  23. Rachel Helps (BYU) (talk) 17:22, 7 August 2017 (UTC)[reply]
  24. Krish Dulal (talk) 15:12, 11 August 2017 (UTC)[reply]