of Information
and Social Development
of Kazakhstan

Sunrise in Kazakhstan
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A global player

As the world's 9th largest country, Kazakhstan is a significant player on the world stage. We were tasked with demonstrating its economic potential, as well as raising awareness of the beauty of its different regions.

A place of

To showcase the breadth of Kazakhstan's appeal, we created a series of TV spots that highlighted its key economic sectors and unique beauty. Dubbed 'Sunrise in Kazakhstan', the commercials explored the transport and logistics sector, investment potential and tourism, as well as the country's charm.

A special year
for Kazakhstan

The campaign reached a vast audience across Europe, APAC and the Middle East through 30" TV spots. The success was apparent in an immediate renewal of interest in 2020, when Kazakhstan celebrated its 30th anniversary of independence.


"The project Sunrise in Kazakhstan on BBC World News has become an effective tool for presenting the Republic of Kazakhstan's growing investment and tourist attractiveness to the world on the eve of the 30th anniversary of the independence of the country."

Minister of Information and Social Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan