Event over

Education & Career 2019 in Minsk

  • France
to 16 February

Registrations closed

International student fair in Minsk from February 14 to 16, 2019

For the first time, France was represented in the Education Fair in Minsk in the wake of the launch of a Campus France Office in February 2018.

France’s presence is increasing in the view of Belarusian students, thanks to the quality of its offer of training, and by the presence of the Franco-Belarusian Centre for Political Sciences, and European Studies (CFB, in French), and institution that is still today the only entity in Belarus with a foreign graduate training program.

As a stakeholder of the Bologna Process since 2005, Belarus is determined to improve strategic partnerships towards Europe for its academic projects. There are many opportunities in the field of engineering in the broad sense, and most particularly in automobile and aeronautics. Information Technologies, company management, agronomy, medicine, civil engineering and architecture are also fields in which European know-how is sought after.

A few figures:

The total number of students in Belarus was set to 284,000 students in 2017/2018, of which more than 10% are enrolled in study courses in foreign countries. There are more than 5,000 students learning French as first foreign language (30%) and as second language (70%). In the future, the number of French learners in the higher education cycle should increase, given the comparatively solid position of the French language in primary and secondary education, with 22,000 learners. French language is set at the fourth rank among foreign languages taught in Belarusian schools.

In addition, the number of foreign students welcomed in Belarus doubled in six years to reach 15,126 registered in Belarusian universities (2,000 more than last year), representing 4.8% of the total number of registered students in Belarus.

All these aspects convinced us to make France participate again in the Education Fair in Minsk from February 14 to 16, 2019.

You can already register: Registration to the Expoforum

About the Education and Career Fair

  • In 2019, the exhibition will be held for the 17th time
  • 11,000 visitors
  • Targeted audience - high school students, university students, young graduates, young specialists, parents
  • In 2018, 108 exhibitors from Belarus, Russia, Kazakhstan, Czech Republic, Poland, Israel, Germany, France, and Latvia.
  • Visitors’ mapping - all regions in Belarus
  • Multichannel target - exterior and interior advertisement, metro, radio, Internet, social networks, medias

For any questions, contact:

Xavier Le Torrivellec, academic and university cooperation delegate from the French embassy in Belarus, xavier.le-torrivellec@diplomatie.gouv.fr


Marina Zavadskaia, head of Campus France Office in Belarus, minsk@campusfrance.org

Campus France and Belarus - Key dates

- February 2018: launch of the Campus France Office, and participation to the students fair in Minsk

- May 2018: welcoming of a delegation with education minister Igor Karpenko at Campus France Agency, and conclusion of partnership agreements between French and Belarusian institutions

- September 2018: “Breakfast session with Belarus” - Interview of Didier Canesse, ambassador of France in Belarus with French institutions

- November 2018: Participation of the French embassy in Belarus to the Rencontres Universitaires de la Francophonie - 104 in Paris


Where is the event going?


Follow the main steps to come study in France
