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Rennes School of Business: Master's programmes

Le 19
  • Campus France Live avec Rennes School of Business

Registrations closed

Campus France is organizing a new live broadcast with Rennes School of Business on Tuesday 19 March 2024 at 5:00 p.m. (Paris Time) to present the Master's programmes in Rennes and Paris

Join us on social media on Tuesday 19 March 2024 at 5:00 pm (Paris Time) for a new Campus France Live episode with Rennes School of Business to discover the Master's programmes in Rennes and Paris.

During this live session, you'll discover the new portfolio of Master's programmes at Rennes School of Business:

  • Master in Digital Marketing Management
  • Master in International Finance
  • Master in International Business, Negotiation & Geopolitics
  • Master in Culture, Creative and Luxury Industries
  • Master in Data Analytics, Intelligence and Security
  • Master in Logistics and Supply Chain Management
  • Master 2 in Strategic Management of Transitions


This program will be broadcast in English on : FacebookXLinkedin, and Youtube 

Program agenda

  • Overview of Rennes School of Business

  • Overview of the Master's programmes

  • Admission process for international students

  • Welcome services and student life in Rennes and Paris

  • Professional integration


Our guests 

  • Penny Harrison, Studies Manager of the MSc Full-time in Rennes & Paris 

  • Emilio Valadez Mena, MSc in International Finance student


Founded in 1990, Rennes School of Business is an international management school which offers a multicultural learning experience. At Rennes School of Business, we believe that education should no longer lock students into a framework but allow them to transcend it. Thinking beyond the frame means opening one’s mind toward other cultures. More than just introducing our students to the world, we bring it to them, we turn education into a true exchange.

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