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Our certified emissions measurement, reporting & reduction programme, has been developed specifically for  membership organisations.

We'll take your membership organisation on a programme of emissions calculation, reporting, action planning & target setting. We will also identify cost savings for you along the way.

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CAFA Certified Net Zero Association Programme includes:
  • Dedicated climate consultant – Carbon Buddy

  • Baseline year footprint calculation 

  • Ongoing Scope 1, 2 and Scope 3 areas emissions calculations

  • Reduction and transition planning

  • Target setting 

  • Policy setting, support and templates

  • Supplier/supply chain engagement

  • Resources and templates

  • Quarterly progress updates 

  • Annual compliant reporting and comparisons

  • Internal workshop and presentation of plans

  • Verified offsetting guidance (if required)

  • Alternative supplier options & procurement support

  • Certification

By working with CAFA, on our Net Zero journey, we're demonstrating that we are taking our impact and responsibility seriously and leading our members by example"

Thomas Marks, CEO AEMT

Our tailored programme saves you time, money & resource.

Data Collection

We identify and collect relevant emissions data and information. We take a step by step approach and start by collecting your Scope 1, 2 and gradually pull in Scope 3 data over time.  

Report Creation

We provide you a GHG, SECR and ISO Net Zero Guidelines compliant report that shows your organisations CO2e emissions, outlines actions taken, and progress made so you can effectively communicate progress.

Additional  Resources

We provide simple templates and resources to help you to take action and are on hand to help answer the questions you may have.

Emissions Calculation

We measure and calculate your footprint. We establish your initial baseline and then continue to measure and compare your data.

Action Plans

It is essential to have a plan for reducing emissions, so we work with you to create and implement a plan of action, interim targets, and timeline that aligns with your business strategy and emissions report. 


We help you to report and communicate your position with your board, staff, suppliers, partners and members. We present reports and run engagement workshops with your key stakeholders.

How  much does it cost?

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Get Started 

Book a free consultation.

Our team of membership and sustainability experts will deep dive into your organisation works and talk you through our programme of support.

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