What's new at Computer Hope

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This section of Computer Hope keeps you up-to-date with all of the new pages added to the site and updates to older pages that have been revised or otherwise modified. In addition to the news about page updates, this page also posts recent major Computer Hope events, downtimes, and other upcoming features.

Latest updates

07/18/2024 - How to Test What Key on a Keyboard is Being Pressed
07/18/2024 - How to Fix a Black Border or Bars on a Display.
07/18/2024 - What is Optimization?
07/18/2024 - Computer Dictionary - C
07/18/2024 - Computer Dictionary - S
07/18/2024 - What is a Smart TV?
07/18/2024 - What is Erase?
07/18/2024 - Computer Dictionary - D
07/18/2024 - What is Stat?
07/18/2024 - What is a General-purpose Computer?
07/18/2024 - What is Execute?
07/18/2024 - What is a Layman?
07/18/2024 - What is a Toolbar?
07/18/2024 - What is SSD (Solid-State Drive)?
07/18/2024 - Computer Dictionary - F
07/18/2024 - What is Squarespace?
07/18/2024 - Computer Dictionary - H
07/18/2024 - What is a Typeset?
07/18/2024 - What is Lua?
07/18/2024 - What is GDPR?

Latest 20 updates and new pages by category

386 updates performed this month.
Over 1,996 updates performed this year.
Log of last 100 updates.

Recent events

No recent major events.

Downtime or other issues

6/29/24 - Moved and updated the web server. During this transition, some errors may have been encountered..


  • Continuing work on resolving all of the current Computer Hope e-mail related issues.
  • Creating an automated help agent to help users who are not sure what to search for or how to find help locate help. Now in beta: Mr. Hope.

In addition to the above upcoming information, Computer Hope is always working on several other new ideas and creating new information. To keep unique, Computer Hope will disclose items close to their release date, or at a time we find suitable. All the above upcoming information and changes have no dates listed on purpose and are listed in the order that we believe they will be completed.

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