A Farnham school has received the perfect end of term report card after getting top marks all round from OfSted inspectors.

Staff and students have double reason to celebrate as South Farnham School has been given an ‘Outstanding’ rating in all areas.

It’s the second time running the school has received the top grading since changing its status to an academy in 2012.

Pupils have “exemplary attitudes to learning” and are “intrinsically motivated to achieve their best” according to inspectors, who also lauded its high attendance rate and its support systems.

The report adds: “Pupils have high levels of respect for each other and care for their peers.

“They behave excellently during lessons, around the building and during break times. Routines are well established, starting from Reception.“

The inspection team commended South Farnham for delivering an “excellent education where pupils learn exceptionally well” by studying a highly ambitious and aspirational curriculum. 

The report adds: “By the end of Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2, outcomes in reading, writing, and mathematics are significantly above the national average.”

The school was commended for its focus on meeting the needs of all pupils, including those with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND).

The report said: “Staff are skilful at adapting how the curriculum is delivered in a way that meets these different needs - pupils produce work of a high standard, regardless of their needs.”

Headteacher Esther Whitbourn and her team are “thrilled” with the report.

She said: “This recognition is a testament to the hard work, dedication and commitment of our entire school community.

“Our focus on delivering an ambitious curriculum, which meets the needs of all children, ensures that all at South Farnham thrive and achieve their full potential.

“We look forward to building on this success and achieving even more together.”