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Taken at Butterfly World, Preston Park, Eaglescliffe in June 2022.

Estate 2021

Foto scattata da capanno privato.

Summer 2021

Photo taken from a private shed.


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A swan family sailing along the Montgomery Canal in Mid-Wales

Taken at Butterfly World, Preston Park, Eaglescliffe on 06/06/2022.

Autunno 2021

Foto scattata da capanno privato.

Autumn 2021

Photo taken from a private shed.


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Toscana gennaio 2019, scatto effettuato da capanno fisso di prima mattina.

Toscana January 2019, click carried out by a fixed cabin early in the morning.


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Been off work this week, not feeling too good, think it's the come down from all the stress of moving house, anyway, so still only on archives I'm afraid, take care everyone.

Thank you so much for your visits, comments and faves. I appreciate them all!

Wishing everyone a happy day!❤️

Taken at Derwentwater, Keswick, Cumbria on 25/06/2018.


Unknown butterfly taken at Roundhay Park Butterfly House Leeds.

Zoom in for better View.

Magnolias du Jardin botanique de Genève

Primavera 2019

Scatto eseguito da capanno fisso.

Spring 2019.

Shot made from a fixed shed.

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The pretty coastal village of Sheildaig nestles between Ben Sheildaig and Loch Sheildaig on the West Coast of Scottish highlands.

A new visitor to our local pool

Taken at Springfield Park Kidderminster W. Midlands

Early in the morning. Liberty Island. New York.

I went for a walk through the woods close to my house yesterday. Everything fresh and beautiful. I think we’ll be picking blackberries very soon.


Thank you so much for your visits, comments and faves. I appreciate them all!

Wishing everyone a happy day!❤️

... found in the forest of the fairies...


... descubiertas en el bosque de las hadas...

Taken at Butterfly World, Preston Park, Eaglescliffe, Stockton-on-Tees on 30/09/2021.

Killin (/ˌkɪlˈɪn/; from Cill Fhinn 'the White [or Fair] Church' in Gaelic) is a village situated at the western head of Loch Tay in Stirling (formerly Perthshire), Scotland.

The west end of the village is magnificently sited around the scenic Falls of Dochart

A view of this wonderful Pembrokeshire coastline around Swan Lake Bay

Thank you so much for your visits, comments and faves. I appreciate them all!

Wishing everyone a happy day!❤️

Monte Baldo - Agosto 2020

Scatto effettuato alle prime luci del mattino da postazione fissa.

Foto postata ieri, ma subito rimossa per correggere alcune imperfezioni.


Mount Baldo - August 2020

Shot taken at the first light of the morning from a fixed station.

Photo posted yesterday, but immediately removed to correct some imperfections.


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on a cliff at the Pacific Coast north of Vina del Mar, Chile


a unique member of the Gull/Tern family living in the area of the Humboldt Current at the coasts of Chile and Peru


Larosterna inca


Sterne inca


Charrán Inca /Gaviotín monja

Sterna inca



Many thanks for your views, favorites and supportive comments.


All rights reserved. Fons Buts©2022

My photos may not be used on websites, blogs or in any other media without my written and explicit permission.


Great tit on a tree branch.

Taken at Butterfly World, Preston Park, Eaglescliffe on 24/02/2022.

Great to see these lovely pelicans in the Danube Delta.

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Ho visto questo limicolo riposarsi lungo la spiaggia interna e così pian piano mi sono avvicinato con ginocchia e è svegliato, ma non è rimasto tanto sorpreso nel vedermi!!! Obiettivo poggiato su bean bag. Abruzzo - Giulianova


Dunlin. I saw this wader resting along the internal beach and so slowly I approached with knees and elbows .... he woke up, but he was not so surprised to see me !!! Objective resting on bean bag. Abruzzo - Giulianova

Taken at Drinkfield Marsh Nature Reserve, Darlington, County Durham on 10/09/2021.


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