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( talking to the summer..... of course)

The Reichstag building is the seat of the German parliament, the Bundestag. The people in front provide a scale of the building's size.


The huge German flag (6x10m) in front of it is called "Fahne der Einheit", a national memorial for the German reunification.


© All Rights Reserved - you may not use this image in any form without my prior permission.

"Abbiamo tracciato un cerchio attorno alle nostre vite, ci siamo detti che è stregato e facciamo di tutto per non uscirne. Ma dentro a questo cerchio ci sentiamo limitati e soffriamo.

Perché non tornare bambini?

Senza limiti, senza paure, con curiositá per tutto; liberi, senza niente di giá conosciuto, di scontato."


Tiziano Terzani


Please don't use this image on websites, blogs or other media without my explicit permission. © All rights reserved

First picture after my break with my bestie Deena <3

Before&After and all the details here <3

I was editing this shot and I was thinking, we all talk about how it is to see through the lens. It's a kind of magic, I know. But what it's like to hear through the lens? Do we? Or can we even? Hadn't thought of that before, until I got me this one photo.


You see, the camera sees everything, even what we don't, but it strips down the image from all the noise. Somehow it can disconnect the one from the other. It keeps only what is the essence of the moment. Like our minds, our memories, our thoughts, our hearts. I mean, you look at something and you may remember and feel how it sounded. You can even recreate it in your head, but you can't actually hear it, although you could swear you can! And that is some of photography's magic. And curse sometimes. It conveys but it doesn't perform. It can liberate image from sound!


And sometimes, it leaves you with yourself and your reflection, free to go ahead and put your own words to the world around you. Free to say all those things you never said. Free to shape the voice as you please. Free to create your own world within you. Free to hear the sound of silence. Lets you finally free...

Госуда́рственный Ру́сский музе́й (до 1917 года «Ру́сский Музе́й Импера́тора Алекса́ндра III») — крупнейшее собрание российского искусства в мире. Находится в центральной части Санкт-Петербурга. Современный Русский музей представляет собой сложный музейный комплекс. Основная экспозиционная часть музея занимает пять зданий: Михайловский дворец (главное здание музея) с выставочным корпусом Бенуа, Михайловский (Инженерный) замок, Мраморный дворец, Строгановский дворец и Летний дворец Петра I. В состав музея входят также Михайловский сад, Летний сад, сад Михайловского (Инженерного) замка и Домик Петра I на Петровской набережной и ряд других зданий. Директор музея — Владимир Александрович Гусев. На 1 января 2015 года собрание Русского музея составило 410 945 единиц хранения. В это число входят произведения живописи, графики, скульптуры, нумизматики, декоративно-прикладного и народного искусства, а также архивные материалы.



new cosmetics for Shiny Shabby March.

Which opens 20 March - 15 April.


- The Batiste eye makeup pack includes 12 colours for Omega and Lelutka appliers.


- The Vadoma lips pack includes 16 colours with Omega, Lelutka and Catwa appliers.



Best wishes and happy Christmas time for all my friends from Flickr.

March 1st begins trout season in the Missouri Ozarks. . . here at Bennett Springs State Park, 6:30 a.m. on a chilly morning. . .

Another shot from inside the long house in East Kalimantan Borneo.

sur les routes du Bas Saint-Laurent


Marcy Wear :


♥ Entwined - Aspen Hair


♥ ^^ Swallow ^^ - The Arcade Gatcha Ears Silence - NEW*


♥ Meva Salmi Gacha Set head

I'm old fashioned and I still remain by and large a follower of Ansel Adams about the 10 zones-- I hold nothing against him save and except that I am utterly astonished why some people would rank him that high :)


I'm friends with the monster that's under my bed

Get along with the voices inside of my head

You're trying to save me, stop holding your breath

And you think I'm crazy, yeah, you think I'm crazy

Merry Christmas <3





Group Cover: 2016-12-28

★ Erotik deluxe ★ (Photographic Artists Group)


Thank you so much!


Leopoldmuseum Vienna

thank you so much for stopping by and taking time to make a comment. enjoy your evening :)




Amsterdam - Niederlande


Die Erde soll früher mal ein Paradies gewesen sein. Möglich ist alles. Die Erde könnte wieder ein Paradies werden. Alles ist möglich.


Erich Kästner


The earth once should have been a paradise. Everything is possible. The earth could become a paradise again. Everything is possible.


Erich Kaestner


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