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Global Indicators of Workplace Performance & Societal Health

Browse our indicators of progress on what matters most in workplaces and to societies at large and get updates when we release new indicators.

Workplace Statistics & Public Opinion Trends That Matter

Leaders use our indicators to better understand and make progress on critical issues throughout the public and private sectors.

We don't just track the following official statistics and trends -- we go beyond the data to help leaders identify how to enact real change.

Global Statistics to Help Leaders Lead

For as long as Gallup has existed, we've focused on understanding the will of the world.

Our goal is to empower leaders to use that information to accomplish great outcomes for the people they lead. To impact workplace culture. Affect public health and wellbeing. Improve the employee experience. Drive economic growth.

Leaders use our indicators to track and tackle progress on everything from the United Nations' sustainable development goals (SDGs) to measures of success in the workplace, such as foundational elements of organizations' environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) strategies.

We will continue to add to our list of workplace indicators and our official statistics on societal health. And we'll do so with the guiding principle that the indicators we create are intrinsically tied to understanding and improving the lives of the global citizenry.

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