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Bethesda dev: MS should open up Natal API

Tech is "wasted on games"; killer app could have nothing to do with gaming, says developer

Bethesda developer Ashley Cheng has suggested that Microsoft opens the Natal API for anyone to use and said that doing so could result in a "killer app that has nothing to do with gaming" being created.

Speaking on his blog, the Fallout 3 production director said that he had been blown away when he first saw Natal, but that the technology seemed wasted on games.

"Seeing it in action, I was totally blown away by it. It seems wasted on games, really," he wrote.

"Microsoft should open the Natal API up like Apple does with the iphone/ipad. Let anyone make a Natal 'app'. I bet someone makes a killer app that has nothing to do with gaming," he said.

Earlier this month, Microsoft Saudi marketing manager Syed Bilal Tariq confirmed that Natal would launch at some point in October with an exact date being announced by Microsoft at this year's E3.

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