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Hiro Capital invests in Snowprint, Happy Volcano, and Double Loop

VC fund leads $15 million in support for the Legend of Solgard studio, The Almost Gone studio, and Emily Greer / Shelby Moledina start-up

Venture capital fund Hiro Capital is leading investment into three growing studios.

The fund today announced its investment into Snowprint Studios, Double Loop Games, and Happy Volcano. The three studios collectively raised $15 million in order to help them expand.

Snowprint Studios -- led by veterans of King, Paradox Interactive, and Wooga -- is currently running mobile game Legend of Solgard, and is also working on three new mobile projects including Rivengard and an undisclosed AAA mobile IP.

Double Loop Games is currently working on its debut social mobile game. It's led by Kongregate co-founder Emily Greer and former DeNA and Warner Bros. Games producer Shelby Moledina.

Happy Volcano, an indie studio from Belgium, released narrative adventure The Almost Gone last year, and is currently working on an upcoming game called You Suck at Parking.

Hiro Capital has made a number of investments in the games space, including Moss developer Polyarc, Flavourworks, and Lightfox. It has also funded games streaming through companies like

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