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Junction Point Vivendi signing "untrue"

Warren Spector has scotched reports that Vivendi has signed one of several secret Junction Point games, saying he's "unclear" why the story emerged and to expect a "big announcement sometime soon."

Junction Point president Warren Spector, of Deus Ex and ION Storm fame, has categorically denied that one of his to-be-revealed games has been signed to Vivendi, despite recent reports to the contrary.

"Well, don't believe everything you read," said Spector, speaking exclusively to at GDC in San Francisco last week.

"If you want a scoop, that actually is not true. I'm not exactly sure where that came from. So you're the first person to hear that."

Spector apparently told American trade publication Game Developer magazine just before the Californian show that, "You don't want to know how many projects I've been told to 'just go make a shooter'. I had one publisher tell me 'you're not allowed to say 'story' any more'. Luckily Vivendi seems to get it."

Many sites ostensibly grabbed the wrong end of the stick, and proclaimed a Junction Point game to be signed to Vivendi.

"A bunch of people have been congratulating me here and I've been like, 'Um, no. Premature,'" Spector continued while being interviewed at the show.

"Still, there will be some sort of big announcement sometime soon, but it's unclear when or what," he added.

Junction Point is currently working on at least two major projects, neither of which has been announced. The Texan developer was formed in 2005, months after collapse of Eidos-owned Deus Ex and Daikatana creator, ION Storm.

Watch for our full, exclusive interview with Spector later this week.

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