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Words on Play Episode 4: The Road to Independence

Fat Pebble, Origami Blue and Second Impact Games on time since they went independent

The Words on Play panel return once again, to reflect upon the time since they went independent. Expect lessons learned, dreams forgotten and some brief mentions of the things that helped along the way.

Words on Play is a podcast by a group of independent game developers, where we chat about industry issues, development and, of course, games.

In the last year there's been a huge growth in the number of games studios here in sunny Brighton in the UK, and we're lucky enough to be a part of that. Being able to share information (and beers) with tons of interesting developers is really great, but it's even better to be able to share that with everyone.

With Words on Play we aim to bring a developer perspective to the topics that interest you and (once we drag them into guesting on the show) let you peer into the minds of some of the UK's most talented developers. Whether you're a student looking to get into the industry, a fellow developer or just a gamer with a dull commute to fill, Words on Play is for you.

This episode features Words on Play first timer Mike Movel, co-founder and creative director of Fat Pebble; Mark Knowles-Lee, co-founder and creative director of Origami Blue and Rob Sienkiewicz and Rowen Holt, co-founders of Second Impact Games.

Download it here, or listen in the flashplayer below.

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