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Zynga considers franchise path

Brian Reynolds ponders the question of sequels in social networks' 'young' industry

Facebook games giant Zynga may opt to tread the franchise path in the future - although it doesn't currently feel pressure to do so, and feels that sequels could come as much as ten years after the original game was launched.

Those are the thoughts of chief creative officer Brian Reynolds, speaking to IndustryGamers.

"Well, it's so early in our industry, is it time to have sequels? I don't know," he said. "It sounds like something we might do.

"It's never too late to do a sequel, by the way," he added. "It's not like we need to be quickly running for the sequels because you can do sequels even ten years after the original game. The first Civilization sequel came out five years after the first one and the next one was five years after that. And we've only even been a company for three years."

Speculation as to the future course of Zynga has recently been in the news, with Webtrends VP Peter Yared writing on VentureBeat that the current strategy of releasing new simulation games with different settings may not be sustainable.

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