GBIF nodes

Each of GBIF's formal participants designates and establishes a 'node' responsible for coordinating GBIF-related in-country activities

Breakout group, GBIF Global Nodes Training, 18 October 2019, Leiden, Netherlands. Photo Mélianie Raymond | GBIF, licensed under CC BY 2.0.

Each formal Participant that signs the GBIF Memorandum of Understanding agrees to establish a Participant node, which is

a team designated by a Participant to coordinate a network of people and institutions that produce, manage and use biodiversity data, collectively building an infrastructure for delivering biodiversity information. They are supported by organizational arrangements and informatics solutions, working to improve the availability and usefulness of biodiversity data for research, policy and decision-making.

The resources gathered on this page are aimed primarily at helping establish and maintain nodes that effectively coordinate GBIF-related activities across their network's areas of interest, though others may find them useful in highlighting and understanding the full range and scope of GBIF node activities.

Guiding examples

To encourage peer-to-peer learning and reduce duplication of effort, GBIF nodes periodically share success stories that help guide and inspire the work of others from the network. This ongoing series aims to cover a broad range of topics spanning different regions and different stages of node development on issues including (but not limited to):

  • Coordinating a national biodiversity information facility
  • Implementing a national biodiversity data mobilization strategy
  • Meeting biodiversity information needs at the national level
  • Supporting improved management of biodiversity data nationally
  • Collaborating with other nodes/initiatives (beyond the purely national scope)

Regional networks of GBIF nodes

Since 2008, the GBIF network has cultivated collaboration between its national and thematic nodes by supporting six regional networks around the world. Non-national participant organizations are free to associate with the region best aligned with their work and interests.

Latest participant network updates