Nestled in the heart of the Lowcountry, we spend our days diving into an array of stories from all genres. Our passion for books started over a decade ago and has continued to grow. With over twelve years’ experience in the printing-and-publishing industry, we understand the passion, time, and energy invested in bringing a book to life, and we use our knowledge to research, conceptualize, and produce intriguing and professional interior and cover designs that help our authors reach their target audiences.

how we got here...

CreateSpace Design Product Lead

Owned the implementation and maintenance of quality standards for all design products including cover and interior offerings. Responsible for successful rollouts of new products, creating and delivering subject-matter training, and creating and implementing product quality auditing program for design services while working closely with internal and B2B teams.

Amazon Publishing  | CreateSpace Design Coordinator

Collaborated with Amazon Publishing to fulfill cover and interior designs that rival traditional publishing houses. This also included managing a team of freelancers and project teams to complete large scale book design projects that can be found below. 

Amazon Classics:

The Complete Works of Sherlock Holmes

The Adventure Collection

The Enchanted Collection

The Complete Novels of Jane Austen

James Bond Series:

Casino Royale


For Your Eyes Only

On Her Majesty's Secret Service

Printing Prepress Specialist

Prepared all files for offset and digital printing.