Strategic Plan for the Organization

The IMO Assembly, which meets every two years, adopts the Strategic Plan for the Organization, which covers a six-year period.

Revised Strategic Plan for the Organization for the six-year period 2024 to 2029

The  Strategic Plan for the Organization for the six-year period 2024 to 2029 (resolution A.1173(33)sets out:

  • the mission statement, which states: "The mission of the International Maritime Organization (IMO), as a United Nations specialized agency, is to promote safe, secure, environmentally sound, efficient and sustainable shipping through cooperation. This will be accomplished by adopting the highest practicable standards of maritime safety and security, efficiency of navigation and prevention and control of pollution from ships, as well as through consideration of the related legal matters and effective implementation of IMO instruments, with a view to their universal and uniform application."

  • the vision statement, which states: "The vision of IMO for the period 2024 to 2029 is as follows: .1 IMO will uphold its leadership role as the global regulator of shipping, promote greater recognition of the sector's importance to world trade, and enable the advancement of shipping. In this regard, IMO will address the challenges and opportunities presented by ongoing developments in technology, the protection and preservation of the marine environment, tackling climate change, improving the well-being and competence of seafarers, and strengthening the resilience of the maritime industry and global supply chains. .2 To achieve this, IMO will focus on the review, development, implementation of and compliance with IMO instruments in its pursuit to proactively identify, analyze and address emerging issues. IMO will support Member States in achieving the goals of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, including through capacity development, taking into account the Organization's Capacity-Building Decade 2021-2030 Strategy. 

  • the overarching principles, which should be taken into account in all of the Organization's work;

  • the Strategic Directions:

    • SD 1: Ensure implementation of IMO instruments supported by capacity development 

    • SD 2: Integrate new, emerging and advancing technologies in the regulatory framework

    • SD 3: Respond to climate change and reduce greenhouse gas emissions from international shipping

    • SD 4: Continue to engage in ocean governance

    • SD 5: Enhance global facilitation, supply chain resilience and security of international trade 

    • SD 6: Address the human element

    • SD 7: Ensure the regulatory effectiveness of international shipping 

    • SD 8: Ensure organizational effectiveness

  • the performance indicators for measuring the Organization's performance against the strategic directions; and

  • the list of outputs that are planned to be delivered by the Organization over a two-year period, thereby providing the linkage between the Organization's strategy, the work of the various IMO organs and the budget.