Child stock videos and footage

There are more than 6.7 million child stock videos at the iStock video library. You can browse our easy-to-search collection to find stock videos of child care settings videos of child doctors and pediatricians as well as child support meetings. Our collection also includes wide-angle footage of children running in parks and close-up clips of babies with their parents.

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Cute Hispanic middle school student is tutoring a young African American female elementary student in the computer lab or library of their STEM school. The Hispanic girl points at the screen as she explains the information. She also shows the younger student the keys on the keyboard. The younger girl types and then points at the computer monitor. Students are working on computers in the background. Books are on bookshelves in the background. A handheld camera focuses on the students.

Father and son walking in city at sunset. Two year old kid is sitting on the parent's shoulders. Happy family concept. Footage in slow motion

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