Library of Congress

Program for Cooperative Cataloging

The Library of Congress > Cataloging, Acquisitions > PCC > PCC Statistics

PCC Statistics: BIBCO, CONSER, NACO, and SACO Programs

The PCC Directory system has been used for recording and running reports on PCC statistics since Oct. 1, 2018. Members should report BIBCO, CONSER, NACO, and SACO statistics at minimum twice a year. Members may optionally enter statistics more frequently (e.g., on a monthly or quarterly basis), if preferred.

Please refer to the PCC Directory Guidelines for further information on reporting PCC statistics.

Current Fiscal Year's Statistics: FY2024 (October 2023-September 2024). Note: Statistics for each PCC program are displayed on a separate tab.

  • FY2024 MidYear (October 2023-March 2024) [XSLX: 62KB]
  • FY2024 Annual (October 2023-September 2024) [to be posted late October 2024]

Previous Fiscal Years' Statistics

Note: Reports prior to FY2019 were compiled, and are formatted, differently than current reports. In older reports, a zero “0” in any column may have indicated:

  1. The participant was not in the program related to the column.
  2. The participant was in a program, but no contributions were made in the category.
  3. Contributions for a program were collected and displayed on a schedule that differed from the reporting period.