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Content translation/cxserver/Logging

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cxserver uses bunyan for logging. It can simply log to stdout or it can even log to a logstash instance through gelf-stream. The logging is configurable in cxserver configuration. You can define multiple logging streams. A simple stdout logging stream is

 { level: 'debug',   stream: process.stdout  }

A gelf stream can be

      // Use gelf-stream -> logstash
      type: 'gelf',
      host: 'localhost', // host where logstash with gelf input plugin is running
      port: 12201, // port of host where logstash with gelf input plugin is running
      level: 'info' // log INFO and above to gelf

To use such a gelf stream you need to have a working and running logstash with gelf input plugin

The steps to setup a logstash instance is given below briefly

  1. Install logstash
  2. Create a gelf input plugin configuration. For this create a file named gelf-agent.conf with following content. The output section is optional. It helps you to get logs in a file too. It is possible to configure to use elastic search and all. Read the logstash documentation for this.
input {
        host =>  localhost

output {
file {
    path => "./path/to/test-%{+YYYY-MM-dd}.txt"

Run logstash

bin/logstash -v -f gelf-agent.conf

Now restart cxserver and you should see the log getting added to the log file added to the output section of about configuration