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Extension Matrix/1.9

From mediawiki.org

Welcome to the MediaWiki extension matrix. This listing is updated each night by a bot based on the entries in Category:Extensions. You have full control over the style and content of this page by editing Template:ExtensionMatrixHeader and Template:ExtensionMatrix. The source code for this bot is available at User:Alterego/ExtensionMatrix/Source code. Don't edit the source code of this page directly - it will be overwritten. Instead edit the source code of the extension page.

Name Description MediaWiki Version Updated Page Edited Talk Page Edited Created Author
SpecialCalendar4 Jan 2007 Easily create a calendar of iCal format in MediaWiki. 1.9 4 Jan 2007 1 Oct 2013 7 Sep 2012 18 Jan 2007 user:sbrunner

PageTools Provides a 'magic word' interface for getting category information related to the current page, setting the page's title and subtitle. 1.8, 1.9 1 Oct 2013 7 Sep 2012 27 Mar 2007 user:jldupont

LastLoginTime This extension displays Last Login Time for a user as a personal URL. 1.9 1 Oct 2013 7 Sep 2012 14 Jun 2007 Sanjeev

Multi-select Namespace Search Converts namespace search checkboxes into multi-select list boxes 1.9 1 Oct 2013 29 Sep 2012 25 Jul 2007 Eep, Tim Laqua

Password Reset4 Sep 2008 Allows to resets the user's password 1.9 4 Sep 2008 4 Oct 2013 27 Sep 2013 27 Jul 2007

DatabaseGoogleExtension A modification of the Google Maps extension that stores map data in a seperate database table and allows creation of surfaces along with points. 1.9 1 Oct 2013 20 Apr 2007 Sonologic

RDFa10 Feb 2010 Outputs semantic data of Mediawiki in the RDFa format. 1.9 10 Feb 2010 4 Oct 2013 7 Sep 2012 11 Sep 2009 Jin Guang Zheng and Jie Bao

Question API4 Nov 2007 This extension aims add allowing to automatically triggering edits in the wiki while having wiki users verify the edits. A set of questions is displayed on the bottom of the page and if users answer them affirmatively, a pre-defined page edit is triggered. This can be used to integrate information from sources the provide a lot of facts at a time but which cannot be trusted in all cases. 1.9 4 Nov 2007 1 Oct 2013 7 Sep 2012 28 Nov 2007 Sebastian Blohm, Markus Krötzsch. Maintained by AIFB Karlsruhe.

EmbedVideo++ Adds a parser function called #ev for embedding video clips from popular video sharing services. 1.6, 1.9, 1.10, 1.13 1 Oct 2013 24 May 2013 23 Jan 2009 Michał Gawroński (Dinth), Piotr Dyduch (orginal author: Jim R. Wilson)

EmailObfuscator This extension obfuscates email addresses within <mail></mail> tags. 1.9 1 Oct 2013 7 Sep 2012 9 Apr 2007

UserClassExtended Enhances the standard MediaWiki "User" class to provide a more comprehensive Namespace Permissions system. 1.8, 1.9 1 Oct 2013 14 Feb 2007 user:jldupont

Chat30 Aug 2012 Adds a Chat tab to every article that links to an embedded chatroom by the same name. 1.6, 1.9, 1.15, 1.19 30 Aug 2012 1 Oct 2013 5 Jun 2013 23 Mar 2007

ExtendAnchorTags Adds <xa></xa> tags and parses them to <a class(es) href=''></a> tags. 1.7, 1.9 1 Oct 2013 20 Oct 2007 jeffmcneill

SuperDeluxe29 Mar 2007 This extension is used for placing Super Deluxe videos in your wiki by adding a <superdeluxe> tag. 1.6, 1.8, 1.9 29 Mar 2007 1 Oct 2013 7 Sep 2012 29 Mar 2007 Michael Kirschenbaum UnwantedKnowledge modified the code of Jim R. Wilson (Jimbojw)

YouTubeTag Adds <youtube> tag for embedding YouTube videos. 1.6, 1.8, 1.9 1 Oct 2013 7 Sep 2012 7 Mar 2007 Jim R. Wilson (Jimbojw)

HttpImage Provides a clickable image link using an external image stored in an external site and an article title (which may or may not existin the database). 1.8, 1.9 1 Oct 2013 7 Sep 2012 28 Nov 2008 Eric Larcher (derived from work by Jean-Lou Dupont).

KeepYourHandsToYourself Prevents user from editing other users pages and subpages. 1.6, 1.9, 1.10 1 Oct 2013 1 Nov 2012 9 Mar 2007 Jim R. Wilson

PageAttributes Enables the manipulation of attributes associated with a page. 1.8, 1.9 1 Oct 2013 5 Feb 2007 user:jldupont

ColList13 Dec 2007 A way to easily put a list of short items in columns (actually, a table). 1.9 13 Dec 2007 1 Oct 2013 7 Sep 2012 7 Sep 2006 JulieC

TracWiki2MediaWiki4 Jan 2007 tracwiki2mediawiki.pl - converts TracWiki format to MediaWiki format. 1.9 4 Jan 2007 1 Oct 2013 7 Sep 2012 15 Nov 2007 user:Uzi_Cohen

AddHTML Used to securely insert HTML section(s) on a wiki page. 1.8, 1.9 1 Oct 2013 7 Sep 2012 8 Apr 2007 Jean-Lou Dupont

AuthUCenter Use the UCenter as central user database. 1.9 1 Oct 2013 14 Oct 2008

Mahalo ParserFunctions A collection of useful MediaWiki parser functions 1.9 1 Oct 2013 17 Aug 2007 Mahalo.com dev team

AllowAnchorTags Adds <anchor></anchor> tags and parses them to <a href=''></a> tags. 1.9 1 Oct 2013 7 Sep 2012 9 Apr 2007

Metapost13 Nov 2008 Include METAPOST graphics on a Mediawiki page using the <metapost> tag 1.9 13 Nov 2008 1 Oct 2013 24 Aug 2007 LEE Sau Dan (李守敦)

RawMsg Adds a parser function called #rawmsg for inserting raw HTML fragments into wiki pages. 1.6, 1.9, 1.17 4 Oct 2013 24 May 2013 19 Nov 2007 Jim R. Wilson

NewArticleTemplates6 Feb 2008 Prefills newly created pages with some text. 1.9, 1.18 6 Feb 2008 1 Oct 2013 7 Sep 2012 18 Apr 2008

EditAttributesAction Provides a definable user-friendly access to page attributes. 1.8, 1.9 1 Oct 2013 6 Feb 2007 user:jldupont

TwitterFeed Adds <twitterfeed> tag for display tweets. 1.6, 1.8, 1.9, 1.15 1 Oct 2013 10 May 2013 7 Oct 2009 Baptiste 'BapNesS' Carlier

PageBy Allows to show contributors inline on a wiki page 1.9 1 Oct 2013 7 Sep 2012 7 Mar 2007 Daniel Kinzler

Postloader Enables postloading of content after creation of an article but before the said article is written to the database. 1.8, 1.9 1 Oct 2013 14 Jan 2007 user:jldupont

UserPageStyles Allows users to create stylesheets for use on their userpages and subpages. 1.6, 1.8, 1.9 1 Oct 2013 12 Mar 2007 Jim R. Wilson (Jimbojw)

CategoryLink10 Feb 2010 Generates an N-column list of all categories in the wiki. 1.9, 1.10 10 Feb 2010 1 Oct 2013 7 Sep 2012 2 Aug 2007 Kyle van der Meer

UnknownActionHandler Enables customized handling of non-native MediaWiki web requests (aka 'actions') through the used of stored PHP page code. 1.8, 1.9 1 Oct 2013 6 Feb 2007 jldupont

Amazon-Linker Easily create Amazon.com product links by just entering their ASIN or ISBN 1.9, 1.10, 1.13 1 Oct 2013 7 Sep 2012 12 Feb 2009 Kolomona Myer

CategoryBreadcrumb18 Mar 2013 Displays category breadcrumbs at the article headers 1.8, 1.9, 1.10 18 Mar 2013 1 Oct 2013 9 Apr 2013 11 Apr 2007 Boudewijn Vahrmeijer

AutomaticREMOTE USER Automatically logs users using the REMOTE_USER environment variable 1.9 1 Oct 2013 5 Sep 2013 22 Apr 2007 Rusty Burchfield, User:Otheus Shelling, James Kinsman, Ian Ward Comfort

Add HTML Meta and Title Allows for easier SEO (search engine optimization) with MediaWiki. 1.6, 1.8, 1.9 1 Oct 2013 8 Aug 2013 10 Dec 2007 Vladimir Radulovski, Jim Wilson

LastFMWidget7 Feb 2007 New parser tag (<lastfmwidget>) to include the Last.FM widget. 1.9 7 Feb 2007 1 Oct 2013 7 Sep 2012 2 Jul 2007 Benedikt Meuthrath

TagAsCategory A folksonomy extension for MediaWiki, using Categories as the underlying functional mechanism. 1.9 1 Oct 2013 29 May 2013 31 Jul 2007 Glenn Barnett & Paul Irish (Molecular)

DocumentApproval Allows a page to be "electronic" approved by some users 1.9, 1.11 1 Oct 2013 17 Oct 2012 6 Dec 2007

Article Class Extended Extends the Mediawiki Article Class to provide serving pages without skin and addressed through explicit 'type' information. 1.8, 1.9 1 Oct 2013 10 Jan 2013 11 Mar 2007 Jean-Lou Dupont

RandomInclude8 Feb 2007 Includes a random text. 1.8, 1.9 8 Feb 2007 1 Oct 2013 7 Sep 2012 21 Dec 2006 Fernando Correia, John Erling Blad

JSPWiki2MediaWiki4 Jan 2007 jspwiki2mediawiki.pl - converts JSPWiki format to MediaWiki format. 1.9 4 Jan 2007 1 Oct 2013 14 Nov 2007 user:Uzi_Cohen

AddScript Provides a way to add <script> tags to the page's head section. 1.8, 1.9 1 Oct 2013 7 Sep 2012 26 Mar 2007 Jean-Lou Dupont

ASHighlight22 Apr 2008 Allows source code to be syntax highlighted on wiki pages. 1.9 22 Apr 2008 1 Oct 2013 7 Sep 2012 16 Apr 2007 John Pye

BoilerplateSelection2 Oct 2007 Provide selectable templates for new articles based on article title 1.7, 1.9 2 Oct 2007 1 Oct 2013 18 May 2013 15 Jun 2007 David Tod Sigafoos, mrvs

AuthorRestriction Adds 'read' level permission on a per-page basis. 1.8, 1.9 1 Oct 2013 7 Sep 2012 14 Jan 2007 jldupont

AccessPostgres1 Sep 2011 Connects to a Postgres database and retrieves data with select directly into an article or to write data into the database with insert and update respectively. 1.9 1 Sep 2011 1 Oct 2013 1 Jun 2013 2 Dec 2008 Martina Mostert

ConditionalShow10 Sep 2009 Conditionally show a wikitext section based on user group rights 1.8, 1.9 10 Sep 2009 1 Oct 2013 7 Sep 2012 14 Jan 2007 Jean-Lou Dupont

Player Provides embedded multimedia playback using common browser plugins or embedded players. 1.9, 1.10 1 Oct 2013 2 Apr 2013 13 Mar 2007 Duesentrieb

Chat (Lace)4 Jun 2007 Allows use of the syntax <lace></lace> to embed the lace chat client in an article 1.9, 1.11 4 Jun 2007 1 Oct 2013 7 Sep 2012 4 Jun 2007 User:Firebreather

PSINoTocNum17 Apr 2007 New MagicWord __NOTOCNUM__ to disable TOC numbering. 1.9 17 Apr 2007 1 Oct 2013 18 May 2013 17 Apr 2007 Benedikt Meuthrath

AddPageService31 Jan 2007 Web service to add pages to the wiki. 1.8, 1.9 31 Jan 2007 1 Oct 2013 7 Sep 2012 31 Jan 2007 Fernando Correia

TeX Editor19 Jan 2007 a tex editor for mathematical formulae 1.9 19 Jan 2007 1 Oct 2013 30 Jun 2013 28 Jul 2006

KML Export19 Oct 2008 Generates KML files for Google Earth from content in article pages. 1.9 19 Oct 2008 1 Oct 2013 22 Jul 2013 17 Mar 2007 Juliano F. Ravasi

Bullet Feed5 Feb 2008 Allows a minimalistic bullet-style news page thrown into a simple RSS feed. 1.9 5 Feb 2008 1 Oct 2013 30 Aug 2013 5 Feb 2008 Cory Perry

AutomaticCAS USER Automatically logs users using CAS Server. Also, a Single sign out is configurable. 1.9 1 Oct 2013 27 Jul 2010 Ramon Perez, iEcolab

EnableAbbrTags31 Oct 2007 Adds <xabbr></xabbr> tags and parses them to <a class(es) href=''></a> tags. 1.7, 1.9 31 Oct 2007 1 Oct 2013 7 Sep 2012 21 Oct 2007 Jeff McNeill

WikiWidgets14 May 2007 Embed various widget types (Google map, Google search, Google widget, Twitter feed etc) 1.9 14 May 2007 1 Oct 2013 7 Sep 2012 27 May 2007 Andy Armstrong

MetaDescriptionTag18 Jul 2012 Provides a tag for adding a custom <meta> description to the document header 1.6, 1.8, 1.9, 1.13, 1.18 18 Jul 2012 4 Oct 2013 7 Sep 2012 22 May 2007 Joshua C. Lerner

ArticleComments Inserts blog-like comment forms into articles. 1.6, 1.8, 1.9, 1.12 1 Oct 2013 24 Sep 2013 20 Feb 2007 Jim R. Wilson

IssueTracker8 Mar 2008 A simple and powerful bug tracking and issue tracking extension developed to make this process easier for your team. 1.9 8 Mar 2008 1 Oct 2013 27 Jun 2013 2 Mar 2008 Federico Cargnelutti

YetAnotherKeywords18 Sep 2012 Extension tag for adding a custom <meta> keywords to the document header. 1.6, 1.8, 1.9, 1.13, 1.19 18 Sep 2012 1 Oct 2013 13 Jun 2013 12 Nov 2008 http://jehy.ru/index.en.html

ReturnToUserPage Sends users directly to their own user page after login or account creation. 1.6, 1.9, 1.10 1 Oct 2013 1 Jun 2007 Jim R. Wilson (Jimbojw)

MetaKeywordsTag Extension tag for adding <meta> keywords to the document header. 1.6, 1.8, 1.9 1 Oct 2013 24 Sep 2012 14 Mar 2007 Jim R. Wilson

PageNotice lets you define a fixed header or footer message for each page or namespace 1.9, 1.10 1 Oct 2013 7 Sep 2012 25 Feb 2007 Duesentrieb

HTMLets Lets you inline HTML snippets from files 1.9 1 Oct 2013 17 Sep 2013 15 Feb 2007 Daniel Kinzler

YouTubeAuthSub12 Mar 2008 Allows users to upload videos directly to YouTube through the wiki. 1.9 12 Mar 2008 1 Oct 2013 7 Sep 2012 12 Mar 2008 Travis Derouin

ConfirmUsersEmail Allows bureaucrats to set other users as emailconfirmed 1.9 1 Oct 2013 30 Jan 2013 12 Jan 2008 Ryan Schmidt

ShoogleTweet Provides a high availability Twitter feed 1.6, 1.8, 1.9, 1.15 1 Oct 2013 29 Aug 2013 27 Aug 2013 Christopher Schirner

WhoIsWatching6 Oct 2008 Find out who is watching a particular page, and add others to watchlist for that page 1.9 6 Oct 2008 1 Oct 2013 11 Dec 2012 12 Oct 2007 Paul Grinberg, Siebrand Mazeland

StockCharts4 Jun 2009 Allows users to include interactive financial charts within an article. Charts cover stocks prices, but also economic data such as the Consumer Price Index and interest rates. Charts are flash-powered and users can pan and zoom without a page refresh. Data is provided by Thomson / Reuters and Xignite, with a 15-20 minute delay. 1.9 4 Jun 2009 1 Oct 2013 30 Apr 2013 4 Jun 2009 Brendan Meutzner, Anton Zolotkov, Roger Fong

Read Restrict Stops reading of pages except to specific groups. 1.9 1 Oct 2013 7 Sep 2012 27 Mar 2007 Suki

Embed3DMLW This extension will embed 3d objects (*.3ds, *.obj, ...) defined in 3dmlw file inside a MediaWiki page. 1.6, 1.9, 1.10 1 Oct 2013 8 Sep 2008 3D Technologies

RegexParserFunctions Adds a {{#regex}} parser function for evaluating regular expressions. 1.6, 1.9 1 Oct 2013 7 Sep 2012 11 May 2007 Jim R. Wilson (Jimbojw)

TransformChanges5 Sep 2009 Makes recent-changes and watchlists render in nice columns for easier reading, see this example. 1.9 5 Sep 2009 4 Oct 2013 22 May 2013 19 Apr 2007 User:Nad

User Image Gallery17 Dec 2006 Adds <userimages> tag to generate image galleries of user uploads 1.9 17 Dec 2006 1 Oct 2013 25 Aug 2013 17 Dec 2006 Rob Church

EditOnlyYourOwnPage Prevents non-sysop users from editing anything other than their own user page, talk page and subpages thereof. 1.6, 1.9, 1.10, 1.12, 1.17 1 Oct 2013 7 Sep 2012 30 May 2007 Jim R. Wilson (Jimbojw)

ArticleCache This extension provides article content caching, recursive (bottom-up) article search within a namespace and easy interface for getting article content. 1.8, 1.9 1 Oct 2013 11 Mar 2007 user:jldupont

DisallowAccessOnCategory Restrict Access to pages based on their category 1.9 1 Oct 2013 7 Sep 2012 22 Feb 2007 User:Mati

PageProtectionPlus18 Dec 2007 Protect areas and sections from access 1.8, 1.9 18 Dec 2007 1 Oct 2013 7 Sep 2012 19 Nov 2006

Clipboard Provides a simple 'clipboard' to add/paste article titles. 1.8, 1.9 1 Oct 2013 7 Sep 2012 10 Apr 2007 user:jldupont

Semantic Layers4 Aug 2008 Official site. Integration layer between OpenLayers and Semantic MediaWiki. 1.9 4 Aug 2008 1 Oct 2013 7 Sep 2012 31 Aug 2007 Matt Williamson, NOAA's National Weather Service

UsenetSyntax Allows simple Usenet highlighting such as *bold*, /italic/ and _underline_. 1.6, 1.8, 1.9 1 Oct 2013 20 Feb 2007 Jim R. Wilson (Jimbojw)

AlternateSyntaxParser3 Jun 2007 Provides ability to use alternate syntax engines (such as Markdown and Textile) instead of the standard wikitext parser. 1.6, 1.9, 1.10 3 Jun 2007 1 Oct 2013 30 Apr 2013 3 Jun 2007 Jim R. Wilson

Embed Document This extension will show a document (*.pdf, *.doc, *.wav, ...) file inside a MediaWiki page. 1.9, 1.11 1 Oct 2013 7 Sep 2012 23 Mar 2007 SLohse, DrTrigon