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From mediawiki.org
This page is a translated version of the page Manual:Pywikibot/replace.py and the translation is 100% complete.

Replace.py fait partie du logiciel Pywikibot .

Ce robot remplace du texte. Il récupérera des informations sur les pages qui pourraient nécessiter des modifications, soit à partir d'un dump XML ou d'un fichier texte ou ne modifiera qu'une seule page. Pour obtenir des informations supplémentaires, utilisez :

$ python pwb.py replace -help

Si vous avez Windows, vous pouvez omettre « python ».
If you have Linux/Ubuntu, you must specify "python3".

Vue d'ensemble

Vous pouvez utiliser ce script de deux façons :

  1. Vous écrivez tous les paramètres dans la ligne de commande, y compris le texte à remplacer et le remplacement. Cette option est utile pour les tâches simples. Par exemple, python pwb.py replace -ns:0 color colour -search:color recherchera le mot « color » uniquement dans les articles (ns:0), changera les occurrences minuscules en « colour », vous demandera à chaque fois de confirmer le remplacement et utilisera le commentaire d'édition par défaut. Faites attention, car il y a des cas où color ne doit pas être changée en couleur (par exemple dans l'article Feuilles de style en cascade) ; ne lancez jamais un tel remplacement automatiquement à moins d'être sûr à au moins 100 % qu'il est toujours correct !. C'est presque la forme la plus simple de la commande (voir ci-dessous les paramètres minimaux). -search:color équivaut à écrire le mot color dans la barre de recherche et constitue un moyen rapide de rassembler des articles mais ne trouvera pas colored et colors.
    Si l'ancien ou le nouveau texte contient des espaces, utilisez des guillemets !
    Les tâches répétées peuvent être enregistrées dans un fichier batch (Windows) ou un script shell (Linux).
  2. Vous stockez les principaux paramètres, y compris l'ancien et le nouveau texte, les exceptions et le commentaire d'édition dans un fichier. Plusieurs tâches (appelées correctifs) peuvent être stockées dans un fichier et utilisées de manière répétée. Ce fichier peut être soit fixes.py qui est inclus dans votre distribution pywikibot,mais est susceptible d'être modifié à chaque mise à jour, vous devez donc le sauvegarder pour vous-même, soit user-fixes.py qui est conçu pour un usage personnel, mais n'est pas inclus dans Pywikibot et peut être créé avec generate_user_files.py . Cette dernière a une syntaxe légèrement différente mais comporte un exemple. Cette méthode est beaucoup plus efficace et flexible mais elle nécessite une certaine préparation. Ces deux méthodes peuvent être combinées ; cependant, certains paramètres stockés dans le correctif écraseront le paramètre correspondant donné dans la ligne de commande.

Une fois que vous avez choisi entre ces options, vous avez une autre décision à prendre :

  1. You make simple text replacements like the above one. This is a good way for changing words, templates, categories, section titles or names, but is not flexible. For example, the above command will replace "color", but not colors, colored and Color in upper case.
    (If you are worried only about the case, you may still type python pwb.py replace -ns:0 color colour Color Colour -search:color.)
  2. You use regular expressions (often mentioned as regexes). These seek patterns and replace them with patterns. There are some examples in fixes.py. For agglutinative and inflecting languages this is the only efficient way of spelling corrections.

Your third decision will be this:

  1. You search for pages to be modified in the live wiki. This will result in acceptable speed if you work with templates, categories or the search engine, but is usually very slow for simple iteration of pages, especially in large and medium sized wikis. So python pwb.py replace -start:! is the least recommended way of usage as it wastes your time and the resources of the server. (However, sometimes it is necessary and unavoidable if your wiki does not have dumps.)
  2. You download an XML dump of your wiki from https://dumps.wikimedia.org (usually xxwiki-latest-pages-articles.xml.bz2) and use it with -xml. This will speed up your bot and use your time as well as the time of your computer and the server more efficiently. This is the recommended way of searching for color, colors and colored together, because the search engine unfortunately does not handle regexes. The disadvantage of this method is that you won't find articles into which the given text has got since the composition of the last dump.
    Direct access to the dumps of your wiki is something like download:huwiki/. Change the first two letters to your language code.
    Dumps at the given link are available only for Wikimedia wikis. For other wikis, contact the maintainer of that wiki to learn if they have dumps.

And, last but not least, you face one more decision:

  1. You search for pages and modify them on the fly. This will again result in acceptable speed if you work with templates, categories or the search engine, but may be very slow if you just search for a regex in the complete namespace or wiki.
Minimal set of parameters

At least these data should be given for the bot every time:

  1. Where and how to search for the pages to be edited?
    The corresponding parameter may be any of -start, -file, -page, -search, -xml, -cat etc.; see the Source section of the below table.
  2. The old text to be replaced and the new one to be substituted.
    This may be one or more pairs of strings or the name of a fix.
  3. It is not mandatory, but usually worth and strongly recommended for beginners to limit the work to the main namespace with -ns:0. Thus you can avoid changing the contributions of users on talk pages or correcting the title of an article on a page where the talk is just about that title. Visible part of templates (but not the code itself!) and file descriptions are also in the scope of readers. It is better not to modify talk pages, user pages and project pages (the "Wikipedia" namespace) in the first time, and it needs special care and community consensus even later. Don't be surprised of angry reactions or your bot being blocked if you omit the namespace parameter.


The bot uses three files in addition to the framework:

the main module
a few predefined "fixes"
a file to add ones own fixes. The file is created nearly empty by generate_user_files.py

Files that may be used for input and/or output:

a file with a list of articles if specified with the parameter "-file"
a local XML dump if used with parameter "-xml"
the log with a name that may be specified with parameter "-log"



You can run replace.py with the following parameters (for example, python pwb.py replace -file:articles_list.txt "errror" "error").

-xml Retrieve information from a local XML dump (pages_current, see https://dumps.wikimedia.org). Argument can also be given as "-xml:filename".
-xmlstart Use with -xml. This will start at the given title (they are usually in order of the first edit). If you quit with Ctrl C, replace.py will write on the screen, where to continue.
-file Work on all pages given in a local text file. Will read any [[wiki link]] and use these articles. Argument can also be given as "-file:filename".
-cat Work on all pages (not categories) which are in a specific category. Argument can also be given as "-cat:categoryname".
-catr Like -cat, but also recursively includes pages in subcategories, sub-subcategories etc. of the given category.
-subcats Work on all subcategories of a specific category. Argument can also be given as "-subcats:categoryname" or as "-subcats:categoryname|fromtitle".
-subcatsr Like -subcats, but also includes sub-subcategories etc. of the given category.
-transcludes Work on all pages which transclude a specific template. Argument can also be given as "-transcludes:referredtemplate", e.g. "-transcludes:stub" means transcluding stub template.
-page Only edit a specific page. Argument can also be given as "-page:pagetitle". You can give this parameter multiple times to edit multiple pages.
-ref Work on all pages that link to a certain page. Argument can also be given as "-ref:referredpagetitle".
-filelinks Work on all pages that link to a certain image. Argument can also be given as "-filelinks:ImageName".
-links Work on all pages that are linked to from a certain page. Argument can also be given as "-links:linkingpagetitle".
-start Work on all pages in the wiki, starting at a given page. Choose "-start:!" to start at the beginning. Note: You are advised to use -xml instead of this option; this is meant for cases where there is no recent XML dump.
-prefixindex Work on pages commencing with a common prefix.
-titleregex Work on pages that have titles matching the given regular expression, e.g. -titleregex:'.*foo.*'
-search Work on pages that contain the given search string e.g. -search:"Color"
Replace parameters
-excepttitle:XYZ Skip pages with titles that contain XYZ. If the -regex argument is given, XYZ will be regarded as a regular expression.
-excepttext:XYZ Skip pages which contain the text XYZ. If the -regex argument is given, XYZ will be regarded as a regular expression.
-exceptinside:XYZ Skip occurrences of the to-be-replaced text which lie within XYZ. If the -regex argument is given, XYZ will be regarded as a regular expression.
-exceptinsidetag:XYZ Skip occurrences of the to-be-replaced text which lie within an XYZ tag.
Possible values of XYZ include:
comment: between <!-- and -->
includeonly: between ‎<includeonly> and ‎</includeonly>
math: between ‎<math> and ‎</math>
noinclude: between ‎<noinclude> and ‎</noinclude>
nowiki: between ‎<nowiki> and ‎</nowiki> (wiki tags are ignored inside nowiki tags)
pre: between ‎<pre> and ‎</pre> (preformatted text)
syntaxhighlight: between <syntaxhighlight and ‎</syntaxhighlight> (inline references)
ref: between <ref[ >] and ‎</ref>
timeline: between ‎<timeline> and ‎</timeline>
startspace: lines that start with a space
table: within a table
template: between '{{' and '}}' (cascaded up to level 3, but no deeper)
gallery: between ‎<gallery> and ‎</gallery>
link: within internal wikilinks, but also interwiki, categories, and images
interwiki: within interwikis
-summary:XYZ Set the summary message text, bypassing the default edit summaries.
-fix:XYZ Perform one of the predefined replacements tasks, which are given in the dictionary 'fixes' defined inside the file fixes.py or user-fixes.py. The -regex argument and given replacements will be ignored if you use -fix. Currently available predefined fixes are:
  • HTML - convert HTML tags to wiki syntax, and fix XHTML
  • isbn - fix badly formatted ISBNs
  • syntax - try to fix bad wiki markup (do NOT run automatically!)
  • syntax-safe - like syntax, but less risky, so you can run this in automatic mode.
  • case-de - fix case errors in German.
  • grammar-de - fix grammar and typography in German.
  • vonbis - Ersetze Binde-/Gedankenstrich durch "bis" in German
  • music - Links auf Begriffsklärungen in German
  • datum- specific date formats in German
  • correct-ar - Corrections for Arabic Wikipedia and any Arabic wiki
  • yu-tld - the yu top-level domain will soon be disabled
  • fckeditor- Try to convert FCKeditor HTML tags to wikisyntax.
-pairsfile Lines from the given file name(s) will be read as if they were added to the command line at that point. I.e. a file containing lines "a" and "b", used as python pwb.py replace -page:X -pairsfile:file c d will replace 'a' with 'b' and 'c' with 'd'. However, using python pwb.py replace -page:X c -pairsfile:file d will also work, and will replace 'c' with 'a' and 'b' with 'd'.

abbrev. -ns:n

Number of namespace to process. The parameter can be used multiple times. It works in combination with all other parameters except for the -start parameter. (If you want to change all pages in a particular namespace, add the namespace prefix; for example, -start:User:!.)
unnamed First unnamed argument is the old text, second argument is the new text. If the -regex argument is given, the first argument will be regarded as a regular expression, and the second argument might contain expressions like \1 or \g<name>.
-always Don't prompt you for each replacement.
-recursive Recurse replacement until possible.
-nocase Use case insensitive search expressions (including regex).
-allowoverlap When occurrences of the pattern overlap, replace all of them. Warning! Don't use this option if you don't know what you're doing, because it might easily lead to infinite loops then.
-regex Make replacements using regular expressions. If this argument isn't given, the bot will make simple text replacements.
-dotall a dot (.) also matches linebreaks when using regex.
-multiline '^' and '$' will now match begin and end of each line.


Ces options remplaceront celles définies dans le fichier de configuration user-config.py .

Options globales
Paramètre Description Nom du paramètre de configuration dans user-config.py
-dir:PATH Lit les données de configuration du robot dans le dossier donné par PATH, au lieu du dossier par défaut.  
-config:fichier Nom du fichier de configuration utilisateur. Default is user-config.py. user-config.py
-lang:xx Définit la langue du wiki sur lequel vous voulez travailler, en outrepassant la configuration de user-config.py. xx doit être le code de la langue (exemple : fr). mylang
-family:xyz Définit la famille du wiki sur lequel vous voulez travailler, tel que wikipedia, wiktionary, wikitravel... Cela outrepassera la configuration de user-config.py. family
-user:xyz Se connecter en tant qu'utilisateur xyz au lieu du nom d'utilisateur par défaut. usernames
-daemonize:xyz Rend le contrôle immédiatement au terminal et redirige la sortie standard (stdout) et la sortie en erreur (stderr) vers le fichier xyz (seulement utilisé pour les robots qui n'ont pas besoin de l'entrée standard (stdin) ).  
-help Affiche le texte d'aide.  
-log Active l'enregistrement des journaux de connexion, en utilisant le nom de fichier par défaut "nom_du_script-bot.log" dans le sous dossier logs. log
-log:xyz Active l'enregistrement des logs dans un fichier avec xyz pour nom. logfilename
-nolog Désactive l'enregistrement des logs (activé par défaut)  
-maxlag Définir le maxlag, en secondes. Reporte les modifications du robot lors de périodes de latence du serveur. La valeur par défaut est celle de config.py. maxlag
Définit le temps minimum (en secondes) que le robot doit attendre entre deux enregistrements de pages. put_throttle
Active le fichier de log et incluant plus particulièrement les données de débogage pour l'élément item (1er cas) ou pour tous les éléments (2nd cas) debug_log
Demande au robot d'être plus verbeux ce qui peut aider pour le débogage. verbose_output
Inverse et outrepasse la valeur du paramètre cosmetic_changes de config.py ou de user-config.py (l'active si rien n'est mentionné dans ces fichiers). Tous les autre paramètres et restrictions restent inchangés. cosmetic_changes
-simulate Désactiver l'écriture sur serveur. Utile pour les tests et le débogage de nouveau code (si utilisé, ne fait aucun changement réel, mais montre ce qui aurait été changé). simulate
-<variable de configuration>:n Vous pouvez utilisez toutes les variables numériques de configuration données en tant qu'options et les modifier avec une ligne de commande.  


If you want to change templates from the old syntax, e.g. {{msg:Stub}}, to the new syntax, e.g. {{Stub}}, download an XML dump file (page table) from https://dumps.wikimedia.org, then use this command:

$ python pwb.py replace -xml -regex "{{msg:(.*?)}}" "{{\1}}"

You can match patterns across more than one line:

$ python pwb.py replace -regex -start:! "First line\nSecond line" ""

You can insert or append text to a page (note the replacement text has embedded new lines):

$ python pwb.py replace -regex '(?s)^(.*)$' "\1
    > ==new message==
    > blah
    > "

If you have a dump called foobar.xml and want to fix typos, e.g. Errror -> Error, use this:

$ python pwb.py replace -xml:foobar.xml "Errror" "Error"

If you have a page called 'John Doe' and want to convert HTML tags to wiki syntax, use:

$ python pwb.py replace -page:John_Doe -fix:HTML

If you run the bot without arguments you will be prompted multiple times for replacements:

$ python pwb.py replace -file:blah.txt

The script asks the user before modifying an article. It is recommended to double-check the result to be sure that the bot did not introduce errors (especially with misspelled words). It is possible to specify a set of articles with an external text file containing Wiki links :


The bot is then called using something like:

$ python pwb.py replace [global-arguments] -file:articles_list.txt "errror" "error"

Rather than specifying regular expressions at the command line, it's preferable to add them to user-fixes.py

$ python pwb.py replace -file:articles_list.txt -fix:example2

Example: Replacing multiple paragraphs

The original text of the page Meta:Sandbox is:

This page is for any tests.

Welcome to the sandbox!

If you want to switch the statement (the second one goes before the first one), you type the following syntax:

$ python pwb.py replace -page:Meta:Sandbox -regex "This page is for any tests.\r\n\r\nWelcome to the sandbox!" "Welcome to the sandbox!\n\nThis page is for any tests."

To add a new line we use \n.

Example: Plenty of unbolding within an article

In this article there were really lots of bolded episode titles in several tables that were to be unbolded. This is the case when you may want to use a bot for one single article and this shows the role of some interesting parameters.

What are we looking for?
  • Texts between pairs of ''',
  • which are within a table (we don't want to replace in the rest of the article!),
  • but do not contain a | character (just for safety, to make sure we are still within one cell — we might perhaps omit this),
  • paying attention to having many occurrences within a table (recursion),
  • and that the tables are wrapped to several lines (dotall),
  • and that every table opening tag should match its own closing tag and every beginning of bold text should match its own closing ''' (that's why we use ?s to make the expressions ungreedy).
What do we replace it with?

With the text parts before, between and after the boldings — these are put in parentheses to be able to refer to them with their group numbers, respectively.

The command

(It is wrapped here for readability, but you should write to one line, of course.)

$ python pwb.py replace -page -regex -recursive -dotall -summary:Vastagtalanítás "(\{\|.*?)'''([^\|]*?)'''(.*?\|\})" "\1\2\3"

The bot will ask for the title since we have not given it. Using double quotation marks fits to the command line and gives the freedom to use apostrophes in the expression.


Here you are. (Don't click if your computer is not strong enough!)

Advanced use of fixes: own functions

Being a wizard by means of replace.py is not a dream if you are familiar with the basics of Python programming. textlib.py (another module of the pywikibot framework) has a wonderful but not widely used ability. If you write a function instead of a constant text or a regular expression to the replacement text or the exceptions, it will recognize and execute it. With a little bit of programming you may take advantage of this feature, and use replace.py at a higher level. Needless to say, using an own function gives much more flexibility than a simple regex. You may also use a function to generate the replacement expressions so as to keep them clearly arranged.

To learn how to use your own functions in fixes.py and user-fixes.py and what is this good for, see hu:Szerkesztő:Bináris/Fixes and functions HOWTO.