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Technical decision making/Updates/2021-04-05

From mediawiki.org



Office hours: We are changing to a bi-weekly by appointment model. The appointments will be available on the WMF Staff Calendar every other Tuesday for 30 minutes each. We hope this will provide teams with an opportunity for deeper questions on how to use the process (Prior to this change we had open office hours bi-weekly).

Decision Reviews: We are changing to schedule as needed for those who have a decision they are moving through the process. We hope this will make meetings more flexible for teams using the process.  (Prior to this change we had bi-weekly meetings to review decisions)



Last week we held a retrospective with the SDAW team to review the process. We received some good feedback for improvements to the process that we plan to implement over the next month. This includes some streamlining of forms, better documentation, and other changes to make the process feel easier and lighter-weight. We will post changes here as we make them.


We currently have 1 active, 3 in the queue, and 1 competed proposal to be published and their updates are as follow:

Active Proposal


Maps 2.0 project

Stage: Decision Statement Overview

Status: Preparing for TDF’s final sign off

Update: T27063 has their Decision Statement Overview was sent to the Technical Decision Forum(TDF)'s representative for their feedback on the week of March 22, 2021.  There were 17 representatives who gave their feedback a week later.  The recipient has reviewed the feedback and met with TDF for discussion.  An update to the DSO to incorporate the feedback will be completed soon.  Once the updates have been corporated TDF will sign off for completion.  

Queue Proposal

  • T157670:  TDF has reached out to see when the project owner wants to engage.  We are currently waiting for their response.  
  • T262493:  Project owner has asked to start the process in mid to late April due to their current workload.
  • T267928:  Project owner is working on their Decision Statement Overview (DSO) currently and will inform TDF when they are ready

Completed Proposal


Build the new Vue.js search experience

Stage (on/completed): Decision made

Status: Waiting for publication

Update: The decision was made back in January using a prototype process without the full forum. We are currently standing up a place on MediaWiki.org to publish these publicly. Once this is set up, we will move this decision from the document to Wiki.

Published Decision Proposal


T274181: The Structured Data Across Wikimedia Architecture (SDAW) team was able to use the feedback from the forum to help the team to unblock the team for budgeting and annual planning. With a clearer understanding of the scope and how to reduce it for the decision-making process, the SDAW team will bring the decision back to the Technical Decision Forum after more prototyping and planning. The feedback the SDAW team received can be found here.

If you have any questions, please reach out on slack, or send an [[1]].

Grace, Kate, Corey, Linh