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Topic on Extension talk:Header Tabs

Ofbeaton (talkcontribs)

Hi Yaron. I wrote a patch to add a new skin template for the new official timeless skin. I haven't taken the leap into gerrit yet (it is super scary), but I wrote a patch and submitted a PR on github, hopefully that is an OK way to submit code? https://github.com/wikimedia/mediawiki-extensions-HeaderTabs/pull/1 Thanks for continuing to maintain this extension.

Yaron Koren (talkcontribs)

Great! I just added this new code in to the code base, except for the incremented version number - please let me know if it's working okay. I'm also curious about the author you added for the new CSS file, "" - is that intentional? It's very odd to identify someone by their IP address.

Ofbeaton (talkcontribs)

That's great, thanks for doing the hard work of reviewing and merging. You're free to version as you like. I will take the leap to gerrit soon I hope. No denying the inevitable, though I did hear everyone's first few submissions are a mess there. So I was hoping to do that on my own extension instead of yours :)

If you recall back in 2011 when I first added the skinning feature to Header tabs, someone provided some substantial tweaks in a wiki comment, but it was only signed by IP. This was also used in the `ext.headertabs.large.css` skin. Pretty much all the skins benefited from the contribution, so I've carried that work forward into this one as well. Perhaps a full link to the comment would be more appropriate?

Ofbeaton (talkcontribs)

Just tested your master copy on my MW 1-32-0 install and it worked great. I'm not sure why I had trouble getting the skins working on my install initially that I thought I had to change the skin loading code... I imagine I ended up with one of those common pesky cache problems that are so hard to get rid of sometimes.

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