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Aria Bendix

Aria Bendix is the breaking health reporter for NBC News Digital.

Aria Bendix is the breaking health reporter for NBC News Digital.

Latest from Aria Bendix

The Covid summer wave is here

Covid cases are likely increasing in 39 states and aren’t declining in any, according to the CDC— evidence that an anticipated summer wave is underway.

Record-breaking rise in deadly infections in Japan renews focus on the mysteries of strep

A record-breaking rise in potentially fatal infections in Japan is bringing attention to persistent, unanswered questions about Group A strep bacteria.

Abortion pill access could still face challenges after Supreme Court decision

Anti-abortion groups show no signs of backing off their legal fight to restrict access to abortion pills even after Thursday’s Supreme Court victory kept the pills available in 36 states.
16d ago

Former ICU nurse is arrested on suspicion of replacing fentanyl with tap water

A former intensive care unit nurse has been arrested for allegedly swapping patients' pain medication with tap water, police in Medford, Oregon, announced Thursday.
17d ago

CDC warns of severe illnesses linked to mushroom chocolates and gummies

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is warning the public to avoid Diamond Shruumz chocolates, cones and gummies following an outbreak of severe illnesses that has led to 10 hospitalizations.
17d ago

Feel grief when a favorite TV show ends? You're not alone

A study found that fans of the Australian show “Neighbours” experienced genuine grief and loss after the show was canceled.
19d ago

A lawsuit challenges Poppi soda's claims of boosting gut health. Scientists say the drink doesn't offer much benefit.

The sodas contain a “prebiotic” fiber called inulin, but a new lawsuit alleges that a single can doesn’t contain enough to benefit the gut.
21d ago

As young women show distended bellies on TikTok, bloating gets new attention

Young women are documenting and discussing bloating on Tiktok, filming their distended bellies. Several doctors said they are seeing more patients complain about bloating.
26d ago

Fauci parries Republicans in combative hearing about Covid's origins and possibility of a lab leak

In his first public testimony since stepping down from government office, Dr. Anthony Fauci fended off attacks from Republican leaders in a fiery hearing about the Covid pandemic.

Texas Supreme Court rejects challenge to state's abortion ban over exceptions for pregnancy complications

The Texas Supreme Court has rejected a challenge to the state's abortion ban — a response to a lawsuit filed last year by a group of women who suffered serious pregnancy complications.
30d ago

Scientists find a likely cause of many unexplained cases of intellectual disability: A genetic disorder

A newly identified neurodevelopmental disorder may explain tens of thousands of cases of intellectual disability whose cause was previously unknown.