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22m ago

British PM Rishi Sunak says he’s ‘incredibly angry’ over alleged bets on election date

The story threatens to further derail a Conservative Party campaign that has been beset by pitfalls and public ire since its launch. 
British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak
British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak
3h ago

American arrested over ammunition in Turks and Caicos avoids prison time

Five Americans in all were recently arrested after small amounts of ammunition were found in their bags while they were visiting the Caribbean vacation destination.
turks and Caicos americans detained interview
turks and Caicos americans detained interview
5h ago

U.S. tourist killed in Zambia elephant attack, the second this year

Juliana Gle Tourneau, 64, was killed when an elephant that was part of a herd the tourists were watching attacked their vehicle, threw her out and trampled her.
Close-up of African elephant.
Close-up of African elephant.

The Iberian lynx is back from the brink of extinction, thanks to conservation efforts

In 2001, there were only 62 mature Iberian lynx on the Iberian Peninsula. Now, the animal is barely a vulnerable species.
Iberian lynx cubs.
Iberian lynx cubs.
7h ago

Argentina president promises to quash corruption, then shocks with Supreme Court pick

Ariel Lijo, 55, lacks appellate experience and has scant scholarly publications and has come under scrutiny for more ethics violations than almost any other judge in his court’s history.
Argentine President Javier Milei attends an event marking Flag Day in Rosario, Argentina
Argentine President Javier Milei attends an event marking Flag Day in Rosario, Argentina

12 horns and a spiky crown: A new dinosaur so unusual scientists named it Loki

Lokiceratops rangiformis is an entirely new dinosaur previously undiscovered by paleontologists, scientists said in a journal Thursday.
A handout image shows an artist's impression of newly-identified Cretaceous Period horned dinosaur Lokiceratops, whose fossils were unearthed in the badlands of Montana
A handout image shows an artist's impression of newly-identified Cretaceous Period horned dinosaur Lokiceratops, whose fossils were unearthed in the badlands of Montana
7h ago

Historic flooding in southern China kills 47, with more floods feared

The extreme weather also destroyed some 221 miles of road, damaged more than a hundred bridges and flooded farmland.
A villager walks through muddy streets as torrential rains cause flooding in Meizhou, China
A villager walks through muddy streets as torrential rains cause flooding in Meizhou, China
11h ago

Death of Indian laborer highlights plight of farm workers in Italy

Satnam Singh, 31, whose right arm was severed by machinery, was reportedly left outside his home with his severed limb placed in a fruit crate after the accident south of Rome.
 A Sikh man is seen through a hole in the plastic of a polytunnel as he picks radishes south of Rome
 A Sikh man is seen through a hole in the plastic of a polytunnel as he picks radishes south of Rome
11h ago

Extreme heat has killed more than 100 people in India since March

Health Ministry data also showed over 40,000 suspected cases of heat stroke in the past three and a half months, including 457 on Tuesday.
Hot Weather In Delhi
Hot Weather In Delhi
14h ago

Woman claims breach of contract after boyfriend fails to take her to the airport

The New Zealand Disputes Tribunal dismissed the claim, which included a request for compensation for a new plane ticket and other costs.
New Zealand airport plane jet runway approach landing
New Zealand airport plane jet runway approach landing
20h ago

Alberto makes landfall in Mexico, leaves Texas with flooding and heavy rain

The first named storm of the hurricane season was blamed for at least four deaths in Mexico.
Five people walk across a flooded street
Five people walk across a flooded street