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Hannah Rappleye

Investigative Reporter

Rappleye is a reporter with the Investigative Unit at NBC News, with a focus on criminal justice, social issues and the environment.

Rappleye is a reporter with the Investigative Unit at NBC News, with a focus on criminal justice, social issues and the environment.

Latest from Hannah Rappleye

120d ago

Overcoming poverty and addiction, he passed the bar exam. Then his prescription got in the way.

After Derek Scott passed the T.N. bar exam and began the “character and fitness” portion of his application, a battle over his opioid use disorder medication unfolded.

Aviation experts dispute plane theory used to convict Michigan’s ‘ninja killer’

Three aviation experts have written letters to Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer in support of a bid for clemency by a state prisoner nicknamed the “ninja killer.”

Federal law enforcement agencies release little use-of-force data. NBC News documented five years of their shootings.

NBC News found that from 2018 to 2022, officers working for or with the FBI, DEA, ATF and U.S. Marshals were involved in more than 200 shootings.

A family confronts a ‘Constitution-free zone’ in their fight to hold the DEA accountable for their son’s death

Those who have lost loved ones in shootings involving federal officers have little recourse in the nation’s courts, but Caleb Slay’s family is trying anyway.

Fani Willis' other fight

Fani Willis, district attorney in the Georgia county that charged Trump for his actions after the 2020 election, is fighting to hold federal officers accountable.

Defying presidents and Congress, the ATF, DEA, FBI and U.S. Marshals shroud their shootings in secrecy

The ATF, DEA, FBI and U.S. Marshals have been slow to adopt reforms embraced by big city police departments, like body cameras and detailed use-of-force data.
293d ago

Maternity ward to close as family calls for justice in death of Black mother

Centinela hospital in Inglewood, California, will close its maternity ward later this month after the family of a Black woman who died in labor sued.
401d ago

Months after residents sound the alarm, Pennsylvania 'cracks' down on Shell plant

Shell has agreed to pay $10 million to Pennsylvania for exceeding emissions limits during the troubled launch of its massive new plastics plant in Beaver County.
536d ago

'I'm scared to give it to my kids': Baltimore's water issues are symptoms of a growing national problem

America's infrastructure for drinking, waste and stormwater has deteriorated. The government has “waited too long” to invest in it, says EPA head Michael Regan.
558d ago

The ‘death penalty’ of child welfare: In 6 months, some parents lose their children forever

A Clinton-era law aimed to speed up adoptions for children in foster care. It destroyed hundreds of thousands of families through termination of parental rights.
570d ago

For Black families in Phoenix, child welfare investigations are a constant threat

One in three Black children in Maricopa County, Arizona, faced a child welfare investigation in a five-year period, leaving many Phoenix families in a state of dread.