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Jamie Nguyen

Jamie Nguyen is a senior producer with the NBC News Consumer Investigative Unit.

Jamie Nguyen is a senior producer with the NBC News Consumer Investigative Unit.

Latest from Jamie Nguyen

134d ago

'Who's going to believe me?': Survivors of sexual assault by a New York gynecologist talk about the long road to justice

Columbia University gynecologist Dr. Robert Hadden victimized dozens of women before he was stopped. Five of his former patients spoke to NBC News about getting people to listen.
863d ago

For an Asian American woman like me, Christina Yuna Lee's death hits too close to home

I grew up in California. I live in New York. But Lee’s violent murder is yet another reminder that I’m not safe in my own country.
912d ago

The latest worker shortage may affect your health: Pharmacies don't have enough staff to keep up with prescriptions

Pharmacy technicians are quitting in waves, saying they’re being asked to do too much with too little pay, increasing the possibility of prescription mistakes.
1153d ago

I grew up with anti-Asian prejudice; now I see it through my daughter's eyes

I grew up wanting to be blonde and blue-eyed, and being teased by playground bullies. My daughter loves celebrating her heritage.