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Images of Obama, advisers discussing historic deal with Iran in Oval Office

President Barack Obama meets in the Oval Office with Chief of Staff Denis McDonough, and Deputy National Security Advisors Tony Blinken and Ben Rhodes, to discuss ongoing negotiations with Iran, Saturday, Nov. 23, 2013.
President Barack Obama meets in the Oval Office with Chief of Staff Denis McDonough, and Deputy National Security Advisors Tony Blinken and Ben Rhodes, to discuss ongoing negotiations with Iran, Saturday, Nov. 23, 2013.Pete Souza / The White House
President Barack Obama talks on a conference call with U.S. negotiators in Geneva, and Deputy National Security Advisors Tony Blinken and Ben Rhodes in the Oval Office, to discuss ongoing talks with Iran, Saturday, Nov. 23, 2013.
President Barack Obama talks on a conference call with U.S. negotiators in Geneva, and Deputy National Security Advisors Tony Blinken and Ben Rhodes in the Oval Office, to discuss ongoing talks with Iran, Saturday, Nov. 23, 2013.Pete Souza / The White House

By Ann Curry, Special Correspondent, NBC News

GENEVA -- Secretary of State John Kerry and leaders from five other world powers early Sunday reached a nuclear deal with Iran, following intense negotiations that took place over several days in Geneva.

NBC News confirmed through multiple sources that a deal was reached, a historic breakthrough in the world's decade-long nuclear standoff with Iran, and in the 35-year-long diplomatic freeze between Iran and the United States.

The deal, which has yet to be signed, was struck with astonishing speed given the history of failed negotiations, coming in just the third round of talks over less than two months. The breakthrough also comes less than three months after Iran's new President Hassan Rouhani promised, in an interview with NBC News, to dramatically alter Iran’s relationship with the world. Read the full story.

President Barack Obama meets in the Oval Office with Chief of Staff Denis McDonough, and Deputy National Security Advisors Tony Blinken and Ben Rhodes, to discuss ongoing negotiations with Iran, Saturday, Nov. 23, 2013.
President Barack Obama meets in the Oval Office with Chief of Staff Denis McDonough, and Deputy National Security Advisors Tony Blinken and Ben Rhodes, to discuss ongoing negotiations with Iran, Saturday, Nov. 23, 2013.Pete Souza / The White House