The Media Barometer  cover + people in a recording studio.
Photo (omslag): Skandinav Bildbyrå

The Swedish Media Barometer 2023: Read the report and watch the webinar

The Media Barometer
 | 14 May 2024
The Swedish Media Barometer 2023 shows that the Swedish population’s media use remained at the record-high levels even in 2023 - a total of approximately 7 hours per person. Find the report and watch the webinar about the Swedish Media Barometer 2023 (in Swedish) here.

Read and download the report

The full report is available for free download through the link below.

Go to the report (in Swedish)

Read a summary in English 

Watch the webinar

Watch the webinar about the Media Barometer 2023 through the link below (in Swedish).

Watch the webinar (in Swedish)