Student Traineeship

Student Traineeship

The NTNU Brussels Office provides traineeship opportunities for students at NTNU in both the autumn and spring semester.

As a Trainee at the NTNU Brussels office, you would be gaining experience through working with the director of the office, Massimo Busuoli, and other staff of the office, and assisting them in their work to promote the NTNU and to strengthen NTNU’s participation in EU funded research initiatives. Activities that you could expect to encounter include: 

  • work related to future Framework Programme monitoring and other relevant EU initiatives,
  • participation to relevant meetings with proper reporting,
  • participation to working groups meetings of relevant networks where the office is part and
  • support in organization of NTNU events in Brussels

A specific task, that typically involves researching on a particular topic, will be assigned at the initiation of the traineeship. The trainee is expected to work independently, under the guidance of a staff member when needed. As the trainee will be part of the normal working routine of the office, further activities could occur «on the spot» during his/her assignment to the office’s staff.


Wall of Trainees

Maja Simonsen Nilsen


Maja Simonsen Nilsen

My traineeship at the NTNU Brussels Office has been very enriching. Working closely with the Horizon Europe Framework Programme deepened my understanding of the intricate connections between academia, policy, and research within the EU landscape. The hands-on experiences and engagement with EU stakeholders underscored the pivotal role of research and innovation in shaping Europe's sustainable future. Overall, this experience has provided me with valuable insights into the dynamic world of EU affairs, equipping me with practical knowledge and a broader perspective on the significance of R&I initiatives.

Autumn 2023

Johanne Nyheim Såstad Solberg

Johanne Nyheim Såstad Solberg

My internship at the NTNU Brussels Office has been a valuable opportunity to gain insights into the EU, research funding strategies, and NTNU. As a student with a social science background, experiencing the political processes of the EU up close has been particularly exciting. Being at the heart of Europe has provided a unique chance to glimpse into intriguing processes and engage in an international work environment. I have had the opportunity to participate in various projects relevant to NTNU, which has been both challenging and instructive—a valuable experience that I will carry forward into my professional career.

Autumn 2023

Dorthea Gradek

Dorthea Gradek

– My traineeship at the NTNU Brussels Office have been a unique opportunity for me to learn more about the strategics of R&I and networks on the EU scene. Working in the heart of the European Union closely under the office director, Mr. Busuoli, exposed me to a dynamic and multicultural environment that broadened my horizons. The proximity to important political and diplomatic developments allowed me to witness firsthand the intricacies of policymaking in the R&I field, which has been a gem for my masters in European Studies. I am very grateful for the valuable professional experience this traineeship has offered me, which has provided me with a wealth of knowledge and professional growth. 

Spring 2023

Eline Vada Hatlegjerde

Eline Vada Hatlegjerde

Eline Vada Hatlegjerde, photo

– During my traineeship at the NTNU Brussels Office, I have gained invaluable knowledge and experiences that have shaped my professional development. Working in a dynamic and international environment, I have learned the significance of effective communication and collaboration across diverse teams. Through engaging with policymakers and stakeholders, I have also deepened my understanding of the EU institutions and their decision-making processes. I have also acquired a comprehensive understanding of EU research and innovation programs, such as Horizon Europe, and the crucial role they play in driving scientific advancements. Additionally, my time at the NTNU Brussels Office has given me insight into project management. Overall, this traineeship has provided me with a broader perspective on the intersection of academia, policy, and research, equipping me with the necessary skills and knowledge to thrive in the field of EU affairs.

Spring 2023 

Kaja Birgitte Wisth Istad

Kaja Birgitte Wisth Istad

Kaja Birgitte Wisth Istad, photo

– Working at the NTNU Brussels Office has been a great opportunity to expand my knowledge and practical experience in working strategically on a European level, and with R&I and HEI related policy specifically. Furthermore, it was an opportunity to put the theoretical knowledge gained from my M.A. in European Studies into practice, and I would highly recommend other students in the political and European studies field to consider the opportunities that this traineeship offers. By showing initiative, working hard independently as well as with the support of Massimo and the rest of the team, the traineeship offers those keen to learn and develop in a dynamic and pro-active international environment a great chance for professional as well as personal development.

Autumn 2022

Rebecca Ruth

Rebecca Ruth

Rebecca Ruth, photo

– My traineeship in Brussels opened my eyes to Europe's incredible collaboration and actions to secure a safe and sustainable future. Nevertheless, the criticalness that R&I, and thus universities play in the green and digital transition. As a trainee, I got to engage with key EU stakeholders, participate in high-level conferences and meetings, and keep close attention to agendas set forward by the EU. Any office trainee will agree that the experience is optimized by the office director, Mr. Busuoli, who actively includes the trainees in a diverse range of work tasks and events. The traineeship is a unique opportunity for anyone interested in a high-performance work environment and curious about the functioning of the EU.

Autumn 2022

Aaron Nieder

Aaron Nieder

Aaron Nieder, photo

– The dynamic working environment of Brussels offered an ideal stage for me to challenge myself both in terms of personal development and working mentality. I am extremely grateful to the Head of NTNU Brussels Office for having given me this opportunity. Not least, a student traineeship in Brussels is a good way to complement the knowledge that one acquires by taking a Master’s degree in European Studies with hands-on experience. I got to learn about NTNU involvement in European initiatives, with the Horizon Europe Framework Programme for Research Innovation being a prime example. All in all, I recommend anyone who is motivated to take a chance on applying for this traineeship position.

Spring 2022

Alessia Reina

Alessia Reina

Alessia Reina, photo

– I am very grateful for the time I got to spend as a trainee at the NTNU Brussels Office. As a student from the MA European Studies, it was fun to finally experience Brussels in practice, and to learn more about the networks of interests in Brussels. I got to learn more about NTNUs position in Brussels and their involvement in research networks and European initiatives. The work environment at the NTNU Brussels Office was both playful and professional which made perfect room for learning, failing and succeeding. I would really recommend this traineeship to anyone who is interested in and curious about the EU and the policy field of research and innovation.

Spring 2022

Medya Temelli Fenerci

Medya Temelli Fenerci

Medya Temelli Fenerci, photo

– Working as a trainee at the NTNU Brussels office allowed me to learn concretely EU Framework Programme for research and Innovation for which I am incredibly grateful. The dynamic nature of the Brussels office offers you to work more confidently and professionally, and Massimo Busuoli is the perfect teacher for EU affairs. Besides living in the heart of the European Union with a vibrant social and cultural environment, the NTNU Brussels Office has helped me build my career upon the challenges the European Union is dealing with. This traineeship is a unique opportunity offered to us and I would highly recommend it to everyone interested in European Union.

Autumn 2021

Martine Vogt

Martine Vogt

Martine Vogt, photo

– I am very grateful for the four months I got to spend at the NTNU Brussels Office. As it is a small office with the best lobbyist in Brussels as the head of office, Massimo Busuoli, you get a great opportunity to learn about how the Brussels bubble works and how to manage in the Brussels environment. I really appreciated the way Massimo wants all his trainees to learn as much as possible during their period as a trainee, and the good and playful working environment where the trainees are treated as equals and as a resource for the office. I have also learned a lot by looking at how a big institution like NTNU manage in the Brussels environment and being part of big projects such as Horizon Europe and other EU initiatives. Therefore, I would recommend this internship to anyone who is interested in the EU and wants a great environment to learn.

Autumn 2021

Emilie Faarup Storvik

Emilie Faarup Storvik

Emilie Faarup Storvik, photo

– I am very grateful for the six months I got to be a trainee at the NTNU Brussels Office. The office has a great working environment, where we as trainees are looked upon as a resource and as valuable colleagues. This gave me motivation and helped me learn a lot in the months I was there. I got to experience Brussels as a lobbying playfield, as well as learning how the research networks work towards the European Union. We were thrown into a new world of information and resources, which I am forever grateful for learning about and learning to use. The Brussels Office gave me inspiration and help for my master thesis, as well as giving me a great introduction to the European arena.

Spring 2021

Synnøve Stølen

Synnøve Stølen

Synnøve Stølen, photo

– During my time at the NTNU Brussels Office I got first-hand experience with the functions of the European Union, and I got to put my educational background in European Studies to work. The EUs latest framework programme for research and innovation, Horizon Europe, launched during my first month at the office, and throughout my time in Brussels I got to work closely with the programme and NTNUs strategy towards it, learning more about the EU and how NTNU works. With a work environment as competitive as the one in Brussels it was invaluable to work with colleagues who knows how to work towards the EU-system, and I am extremely grateful for the opportunity to learn from them.

Spring 2021

Thea Lurås Oftebro

Thea Lurås Oftebro

Thea Lurås Oftebro, photo

– I am so grateful for the opportunity to spend a semester at the NTNU Brussels Office. As a trainee, I had many different tasks and responsibilities related to the EU framework Programme for research and innovation and representing NTNU in Brussels. Working in this professional work environment made me grow both personally and professionally. Furthermore, Brussels is a really cool place to conduct a traineeship as it is the «capital of Europe» and a multicultural city filled with trainees from all over Europe. I recommend everyone with interests for the EU and/ or research and innovation activities to apply for this traineeship.

Autumn 2020

Nickolai Birkeland

Nickolai Birkeland

Nickolai Birkeland, photo

– Working at the NTNU Brussels Office was a great way to learn more about the EUs framework programme and other European R&I initiatives, and to see how NTNU can operate and grow within the context. At the office the work is varied, the days fast paced, and it is a really fun and motivating place to develop your skills. For me, the semester at NTNU Brussels Office was not only incredibly interesting and instructive but has also served as a «launch pas» for my future career. I would highly recommend others who are interested to apply.

Autumn 2020

Camilla Solli Stokkaune

Camilla Solli Stokkaune

Camilla Solli Stokkaune, photo

– I had an amazing time working at the NTNU Brussels Office. The internship was a fantastic opportunity to learn more about the R&I aspect of the EU, how NTNU promotes and positions itself in relevant networks and how important it is for universities to have a Brussels Office. I gained valuable knowledge about R&I, the Framework Programmes of the EU and NTNUs collaboration with other European universities through UnILiON during my internship, and it was nice to see how the EU-system works in practice after learning about it for years during my BA and MA degree. I became more confident in my abilities and what I can contribute in a professional working environment through my stay at NTNU Brussels Office. It also challenged me in new ways, and I have learned a lot about myself.

Spring 2020

Mathias Shabanaj Jankila

Mathias Shabanaj Jankila

Mathias Shabanaj Jankila, photo

– As a trainee at the Brussels office, I learned how to combine hard work and dedication with a playful work environment. Through good colleagues, strong leadership, and by challenging myself, I was able to quickly adapt to the world of Brussels. This of course included a strong understanding of the EU system and the tools needed to affect this system.

Spring 2020

Margrethe Aurora Seljenes

Margrethe Aurora Seljenes

Margrethe Aurora Seljenes, photo

– Being a trainee at the NTNU Brussels Office was the perfect start to my young professional career. It was truly a hands-on introduction to the world of Research and Innovation in the vibrant heart of the EU. As a master's student of Globalization and Sustainable Development, the opportunity to partake in high-level debates about the political, economic and societal transformations needed to combat climate change was incredibly valuable. It was particularly inspiring to work so closely with the remarkable people in the R&I community all contributing towards a more sustainable future. With great support and guidance from the NTNU Office, I was able to grow and learn a lot in a short time, fitting to the fun and fast-paced atmosphere that is Brussels.

Autumn 2019

Kristian Sandøy Lyster

Kristian Sandøy Lyster

Kristian Sandøy Lyster, photo

– I am very grateful that they gave me a lot of responsibilities at the Brussels Office. Here I got the opportunity to attend exciting events in Brussels, follow EU policy at first hand, and arrange meetings and seminars. I even conducted my own little research project that I got the opportunity to present to the UnILiON network. There were many situations where I felt like I was being thrown off a cliff, and had to learn to fly on the way down. Being put in situations like that helped me grow a lot, both professionally and personally. Working as a trainee for the office has therefore been a highly relevant work experience I would recommend to anyone looking for a challenging and rewarding start to their career.

Autumn 2019

Turid Høstmark

Turid Høstmark

Turid Høstmark, photo

– As a trainee at the NTNU Brussels Office I was given the unique opportunity to learn more about EU policy related to research and innovation, as well NTNU's collaborative role with other universities and organizations in Brussels. I was given a lot of responsibilities and the chance to work independently, which made me more confident in my professional abilities. No days at the NTNU Brussels Office are the same, and it was fun and motivating to be a part of such a dynamic workplace with tasks ranging from networking to writing reports and monitoring the office's SoMe. During my time at the office I was given the chance to grow and learn in a challenging but inspiring setting, and the experience gave me a great foundation for a future career.

Spring 2019

Pernille Nyvoll

Pernille Nyvoll

Pernille Nyvoll, photo

– As a trainee at the NTNU Brussels Office I learned a lot about the networking world of Brussels, and I learned by example how one can bring people and institutions together and increase both cooperation and possibilities for fundings. I believe that the knowledge and values I brought with me from this experience will be of great use in my future career.

Autumn 2018

Charlotte Eide

Charlotte Eide

– As a master's student at the European Studies programme, I used the open semester during my first year to apply for internships. I became the first trainee at NTNU's Brussels Office. The time there sparked an interest in EU research and innovation policy and lobbying. At the NTNU Brussels Office, I also learned that good work is rewarded with more work, and perhaps more exciting tasks.

Spring 2018

Traineeship at the NTNU Brussels Office Autumn 2024

Traineeship at the NTNU Brussels Office Autumn 2024

We are currently looking for new trainees!

Are you a student at NTNU? Are you looking for a traineeship autumn 2024?

Read more about traineeship at the NTNU Brussels office here!