Hyperreal Film Journal

Creating Film Criticism for the People

  • 1 post
  • $9.8/month

The Hyperreal Film Journal is dedicated to bringing high-quality film criticism and personal essays to the Austin area and beyond.

We have an open door policy for people with any level of experience to pitch their article ideas. Our seasoned team of editors work with writers every step of the way to get their piece ready for publication. In an internet full of paywalled websites and clickbait-driven mush, we're dedicated to bringing cinema (and film criticism) to the people.

Your donation will go directly toward keeping Hyperreal Film Journal up and running. In addition to website maintenance, your contribution will support a fund for the work of our editorial team. You'll also help give our team the flexibility to cover major film festivals with a diverse slate of films.

Check out our reviews here: https://hyperrealfilm.club/reviews

[These contributions are separate from Hyperreal Film Club's membership program run through WithFriends, so every dollar contributed through Patreon goes directly to Hyperreal Film Journal!]


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