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Electronics, Mobile Phone, Phone

Experience our SC Mobile App with various ways

Download our SC Mobile App through the 4 authorised channels below

Android User (without Google Play)*
Android User (with Google Play)
IOS User
Huawei User (With Huawei AppGallery)
Steps for Installation:

1. Select “System Settings” > “General” > “Security”

2. Enable “Unknown Sources”

3. Click here /Scan the following QR Code to download Android application package (APK).

4. Open the APK file and install.

5. Disable “Unknown Sources” after successful APK installation.

• Please search for “SC Mobile Hong Kong“ in Google Play Store OR

Click here /Scan the following QR Code to download Standard Chartered Mobile Banking App.

• Please search for “SC Mobile“ in Apple App store OR

• Click here /Scan the following QR Code to download Standard Chartered Mobile Banking App.

•Please search for “SC Mobile Hong Kong” in Huawei AppGallery OR

Click here / Scan the following QR Code to download Standard Chartered Mobile Banking App.

QR code for Android user without Google Play SC Mobile QR code SC Mobile QR code
Version: 7.4.1
Last Update Date: 5 Jul 2024

SC Mobile is supported on smartphones with Android 9.0/+

*It is encouraged user to visit this page frequently and process manual update proactively to ensure your device got latest version of APK.
Security Tips
  • If you got suspicious on a downloaded app, do not attempt to log in. Please stop any operations, delete the corresponding app and contact our staff immediately.
  • Be aware and do not download any counterfeit app which could be attached with Phishing program / Trojan to steal your login information.
  • Do not copy or install any app from uncertain sources on your mobile device.
  • If there are any abnormality identified with our app, such as abnormal layout or unusual slow login response, please stop any actions immediately.
  • Ensure the search keywords ‘SC Mobile Hong Kong’ are used when downloading SC Mobile from the official application stores.
  • Please note that we recommend you to download the APK file from our Bank’s website only when you cannot access the Google Play or App Store
  • The aforesaid channels are the only authorized channels for downloading our SC Mobile. To protect your information, please do not download our app via other channels
  • For other security alerts, please click here for more information.