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Wealth Guru

Your one-stop-shop hub for all market updates you need to know

Market Insights brought to you by our CIO

Where will the financial markets head towards? Check out how our Chief Investment Office (CIO) sees it.

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Return of the ‘Trump trade’ – which sectors will be benefited?

  • Advantage Trump: Betting markets predict high chances of a win for Trump in November’s US presidential election.
  • The sector rotation opportunity: US equities face stretched investor positioning. However, much of this excessive optimism appears concentrated in the technology sector.
  • Over a short (1-3 month) horizon: it is likely the focus temporarily shifts to sectors like energy and financials (and even small caps). These sectors are potential beneficiaries of Trump’s proposed tariff, spending and deregulation policy proposals.
  • Urgency to lock in yields: While Trump’s proposed policies are largely viewed as inflationary, we continue to expect bond yields to be driven by near-term Fed rate cut expectations. This means investors face a narrowing window to lock in today’s attractive yields before short- and long-term yields move significantly lower.

Return of the ‘Trump trade’ – which sectors will be benefited?

US elections are still four months away, but the relatively dramatic events mean markets are pricing in a high chance of a Trump victory. Over a short (1-3 month) horizon, it is likely the focus temporarily shifts to sectors like energy and financials (and even small caps). These sectors are potential beneficiaries of Trump’s proposed tariff, spending and deregulation policy proposals.

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Adapting to Shifting Winds – Staying Overweight Equities

  • Rate Cut: The start of major central bank rate cuts marks a key turning point for investors as policymakers switch their focus towards supporting growth.
  • Staying Overweight Equities: Favouring US equities globally and Indian equities in Asia.
  • Diversified Sources of Return: Owning gold and EM USD bonds.
  • Outperforming Strategies: Balanced foundation allocations comprising equities, bonds and alternative assets are likely to outperform allocations that are solely aimed at generating income.

For full 2024 H2 market outlook insights, read our full GMO Report now.

Adapting to Shifting Winds – Staying Overweight Equities

In the first half of the year, the US equities hit new highs, the performance of Chinese equities improved modestly, and global bond prices also rebounded from lows. Entering the second half of the year, will the US Federal Reserve cut interest rates? Which market will be the most promising?

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Fed signalled one rate cut in 2024 – US stocks closed at record highs

  • Key Takeaways: Fed officials voted to keep benchmark rates unchanged, but reduced the number of rate cuts they expected this year from three to just one.
  • CPI Slowed: The hawkish revision in the dot plot came as consumer prices unexpectedly came in unchanged in May, with core consumer prices, which exclude food and energy costs, also rising less than expected (0.2% m/m, 3.4% y/y).
  • Market Reaction: The 2-year bond yield still closed lower for the day, with money markets now pricing in a rate cut by November. US stocks closed at record closing highs for the third consecutive session on Wednesday.
  • FX Market: The USD index (DXY) fell after US inflation moderated more than expected in May. It slightly pared loss after the dot plot showed just one cut this year from three prior. AUD/USD rose, leading gains among G10 currencies amid the softer greenback.
  • Asset Class View: We are overweight Global Equities, and high quality bonds offer attractive yield and moderate price gain prospects.

For full market outlook insights, read our latest Daily Navigator now.

Fed signalled one rate cut in 2024 – US stocks closed at record highs

Fed officials voted to keep benchmark rates unchanged, but reduced the number of rate cuts they expected this year from three to one. The hawkish revision in the dot plot came as consumer prices unexpectedly came in unchanged in May, with core consumer prices also rising less than expected. When does the market expect to start cutting rates? Which asset class do we prefer?

City, Urban, Car
City, Urban, Car

Overweight US & JP equities – Short-term volatility creates opportunities

  • Buying opportunities: The equity market pullback and the rise in bond yields have created an opportunity to add exposure to diversified Foundation allocations.
  • Rate cuts in H2: We expect inflation to resume downtrend in H2 as official shelter prices catch up with declining market rents. A gradual decline in inflation is likely to allow a total 50bps of cuts this year.
  • Overweight US equities: Its growth resilience, sensitivity to rate cuts and earnings.
  • Overweight Japan equities: Its ongoing focus on shareholder-friendly reforms and continued JPY weakness
  • Asia ex-JP equities: We are Overweight Korea and Taiwan to benefit from the AI frenzy. We also favour India on its strong domestic growth.
  • Opportunistic ideas in China non-financial high dividend SOEs: Management continues to have an incentive to improve their market value.

For full market outlook insights, read our latest GMO Report now.

Overweight US & JP equities – Short-term volatility creates opportunities

With the delayed expectation of a Fed rate cut, how should we revamp the strategies for global equities and bonds? As the Hong Kong stock market shows signs of a technical bull market, what steps should be taken to capitalize on opportunities in the Asian market?

Market Event Insights

How will these events impact the market?

21 March 2024

As expected, the Fed kept the interest rate unchanged. Let’s take a minute to understand the key insights from this interest rate decision!


CIO Wealth Guru Series

Our CIO experts combine investment fun facts and market views, bring upon a series of professional yet lively short articles. Read now and become a Wealth Guru as well!

Q2 Hong Kong stocks rebound by 7%: what’s next?

The HSI had a roller-coaster ride in first half of 2024, will it be a bull run or bear trap ahead? Gain insights on the market opportunities to watch for.

Dow topping 40,000 milestone - US stocks average returns exceed 10% p.a.?

How to capitalise market fluctuations? Get to know the best strategy to capture US stock market growth.

Japan – Land of the rising stock market? Warren Buffett sure thinks so

Dive into the reasons behind Japan’s stock market surge of over 10% in just a few months.

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