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Get a more comprehensive assessment of what you can afford based on your individual situation and relevant mortgage policies

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Get a more comprehensive assessment of what you can afford based on your individual situation and relevant mortgage policies

Steps to Buying a Home

Follow these 6 steps to complete your home purchase journey

Unchecked Step 1, Find out current mortgagae policiesChecked Step 2, Check what you can affordUnchecked Step 3, Search for propertiesUnchecked Step 4, Sign Sales & Purchase AgreementUnchecked Step 5, Choose the right mortgageUnchecked Step 6, Complete the home-buying process

Step 2: Check what you can afford

Use our mortgage calculators and online valuation tool to work out a mortgage you can afford, so you can make informed budgeting decisions for your home purchase:

a hand using laptop to calculate repayment schedule with online calculators
Get online property valuation
Use our valuation tool to help estimate the property’s market value, for free.