And the winner is ...

Check out who won the Scientix Awards!

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New Scientix TV episode!

See who won the Scientix Awards!

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Scientix TV

Join the Carbon Act MOOC

Master teaching about climate change!

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Atlas of Roadmaps to STE(A)M Education

Discover The SEER, Road-STEAMer, and SENSE projects.

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2023 Back to School Campaign


Join the Nature-based Climate Shelters in Schools: Empowering Teachers for Sustainable Education MOOC

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12 Years supporting STEM education

How time flies! Scientix has supported STEM teachers in Europe (and beyond) for 12 years. In this video, we share some of the insights gathered since the start of the project.


Latest project



The EU-funded (H2020) InterLynk project is innovating in the field of guided tissue regeneration, a process essential for restoring function after bone or joint injuries when natural healing is insufficient.

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FemPower: Gender Equality in the Clean Energy Transition

FemPower – Gender Equality in the Clean Energy Transition is a Cooperation Partnership in Higher Education. Our journey towards a just and gender equal CET started in February 2022. FemPower aims to increase female representation in the sector, empower and prepare those who are already active in academia or the market, and integrate the gender dimension in CET research and development.

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Latest News


STE(A)M and Open Schooling in the Real World: Success Stories from SLEs

Curious about Open Schooling? Do you wish for education to be transgenerational, inclusive, and contextualized? Do you want to learn more about how to improve entire communities through science education?

Then check out a new report by the STE(A)M Learning Ecologies (SLEs) project!

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Sign up for The Carbon Act MOOC: Innovative Teaching for Climate Solutions

In a rapidly changing world, where the effects of climate change are increasingly evident, the importance of climate education cannot be overstated.The Carbon Act project, in collaboration with Scientix®, rises to this challenge with The Carbon Act MOOC: Innovative Teaching for Climate Solutions. This online course aims to equip teachers with the tools and strategies to effectively integrate climate change education into their classrooms and schools.

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