Young word wizards come up with poetry spells during workshop at Maidenhead school

06:00AM, Wednesday 03 July 2024

Young word wizards came up with poetry spells during a workshop at a school in Maidenhead last week.

Year five pupils at All Saints Junior School in Westborough Road enjoyed a day of poetry spells and performance at the workshop run by children's poet Simon Mole on Wednesday, June 26.

On the day, pupils wrote poetry spells before focusing on performance in the afternoon.

Fun games were then used to help build confidence and skills prior to the children sharing their poetry with each other.

The workshop was provided through the Farm Out programme at Norden Farm, which is funded by the Spoore, Merry and Rixman Foundation.

Simon said: “What a great day with the word wizards in year 5.

“Both classes really did themselves proud, writing some fantastic poetry spells - some were heartfelt, some were hilarious, all were poetic masterpieces in their own right.

“In the afternoon we focused on performance, using some fun (and quite silly) games to help build skills and confidence before the children shared their poetry with each other – a truly magical day.”