Dame Emma Walmsley: chief executives are not superheroes

Dame Emma Walmsley held a discussion with Octavius Black, the co-founder of MindGym
Dame Emma Walmsley held a discussion with Octavius Black, the co-founder of MindGym

She is one of Britain’s top executives, who rubs shoulders with world leaders, was honoured for services to industry and runs a drugs company saving thousands of lives. But Dame Emma Walmsley does not think she — or any other chief executive — has superpowers.

In a rare public discussion on leadership style, the boss of GSK said it was “important to recognise as a leader you’re not some kind of all-powerful superhero that has the answers to everything.

“I’ve never believed in that and sometimes I think it’s unfortunate how chief executives are set in that way.”

In a wide-ranging discussion with Octavius Black, the Old Etonian who co-founded MindGym, the AIM-listed workplace training company, Walmsley said she had “never, ever woken up,