
Team GB’s race to success has lessons for the private sector

Our sportsmen and women show what can be achieved when we handpick our strengths as a nation and put our resources behind them — the same is true for business

The Times

The finish line is in sight and the winners’ podium awaits, but any glory will be fleeting for whichever party claims gold next Thursday. As the business community watches expectantly for the final result, the new government must begin immediately to set the country on a track that will lead the way to prosperity and growth. The all-important aim must be to rebuild our standing on the global stage.

The parallels between sport, government and business are well known. All three have clear winners and losers; soaring highs and crushing lows. All require complex planning, training, and painstaking effort in the pursuit of greatness.

These dynamics have been on display during a bruising general election campaign and will be demonstrated to the world again this