‘£14bn hit’ north of the border under a no-deal Brexit

The Scottish food and drink industry would be one of the hardest-hit sectors if Britain leaves the EU with no deal
The Scottish food and drink industry would be one of the hardest-hit sectors if Britain leaves the EU with no deal

A no-deal Brexit could result in output from Scotland’s economy tumbling by more than £14 billion, according to research to be published today.

The CBI Scotland analysis of figures prepared by the UK government warns of “disastrous” implications for Scottish productivity and economic prospects if no agreement can be struck between Westminster and Brussels.

The business organisation says that under the projections an 8.1 per cent drop in gross value added, a measure of the value of the goods and services produced in an area, would be equivalent to £14 billion of lost output by 2034.

A Scottish government consultation published yesterday indicated that only one in 12 companies believed that they were fully prepared for Brexit. The sectors highlighted as being most vulnerable