A new take on the Cold War

The cold war is a hot Hollywood topic but for a true insight, try a new RAF exhibition in Shropshire

The cold war is hot right now, with De Niro's film The Good Shepherd set to be followed by Breach, about a red FBI mole, and The Lives of Others, a highly anticipated movie about the Stasi. Then there were the polonium headlines, which somewhat overshadowed this country's other contribution to current cold-war fever: the opening of the National Cold War Exhibition in the Midlands. A blizzard on the opening day didn't help, either.

It's a shame it didn't get more of a fanfare, because the £12.5m project really is extraordinary, not least the building itself, which is comprised of two huge metal triangles that, fittingly, look as if they were designed by a pair of architects who didn't actually communicate about which way round