A round of disc, anyone?

Philip Clothier tries his hand at a new sport from the States, golf with a twist. But is he up to par?

I have always secretly thought I was a bit of a whizz at playing Frisbee. Indolent moments in my childhood were filled in by the famous flying red disc. Much later, I used to put a Frisbee in the picnic bag on first dates in case the conversation ran out.

Today I’m in a wet public park, in South London, with one of the world’s best throwers of a Frisbee, or disc, to use the correct term. Neil Webber can throw a disc up to 150m (490ft), which is twice as far as I can, with about half the effort. That said, one disc golf nerd from Scandinavia once managed to drift a disc nearly 250m in the airless mountains of Nevada.

Webber is introducing