Alex Thomson diary, day 38: less power, more progress

In the latest entry to his exclusive diary from the Barcelona World Race, Alex Thomson reports on his efforts to reign in the leader

Click here for Alex Thomson’s exclusive videocast, part 9

Latitude: 47 06.74’ S

Longitude: 126 31.20’ E

Position: Second

Average speed: 15.6 knots

All is well on the good ship, Hugo Boss and Capey [Andrew Cape, Alex’s co-skipper] and I are enjoying the milder conditions that could almost be described as tropical compared to ten days ago. We had a great last few days racing and got to within 11 nautical miles of the leader, Paprec Virbac, yesterday. The breeze has been pretty gusty over the past 12 to 24 hours, which makes life a little harder, but we have sailed quite conservatively and limited our risk. The problem with gusty conditions is that you are caught in a catch-22 situation, where you need to