Antony Gormley, the puppet master

Over 100 days, 2,400 people will become statues in Trafalgar Square in a living artwork conceived by Antony Gormley. Kate Muir meets him

Welcome to Antony Gormley’s secret laboratory, a vast studio in the badlands beyond King’s Cross, London. Behind steel security gates, Britain’s favourite sculptor has become bored casting his own body and is plotting to experiment with your body and mind instead. This is either an exercise in democracy or irony. You be the judge.

Gormley’s dastardly plans for The Fourth Plinth in Trafalgar Square are now well known, to the extent of becoming a plot line in The Archers on Radio 4. Starting on July 6, Gormley hopes to create an astonishing living monument for 100 days and nights, allowing a mixed bag of Britons to perform, or merely exist, for 60 minutes on the 7m-high plinth. “One Person. One Hour. One & Other” goes